Research From the outset Moreno Bondi has undertaken painstaking study and research into the techniques and materials used in classical painting, completely won over as he was by the power of Caravaggio’s painting and the vigorous strength of Michelangelo’s sculpture. From this admiration sprang the firmly held belief that artistic expression today must be reunited once again with the vast cultural heritage of the great masters, not least by reclaiming knowledge of their technical and practical genius. Therefore Moreno Bondi’s painting, while enrichened by his artistic experience of the contemporary to which intellectually he belongs, is also deeply rooted in the history of art and sustained by his thoroughgoing knowledge of materials and techniques. Long and painstaking research, detailed study of 16th and 17th century manuals and extensive experimentation with oils, resins and pigments, have allowed Bondi to master pictorial techniques and the jealously guarded alchemy of materials used by the great masters of the past, so that he has been able to reclaim, and to employ with masterly expertise the previously lost technique of “fresco on fresco”. In his long academic and professional career (as Chair of Painting Techniques at the Academy of Fine Arts since 1987), Moreno Bondi has looked for a comparison with the great artistic tradition, using painting and sculpture with ability.
Moreno Bondi:an unicum between painting and sculpting
Intervista Moreno Bondi (Guido del Turco, TG5)
Intervista Moreno Bondi (Guido del Turco, TG5)
-Biennale Sacre Triangle cured by Guus Van Den Hout (2017), The Nederlands
-54ma BIENNALE DI VENEZIA cured by Vittorio Sgarbi (2011)
Some institutional exhibitions:
“INTERSEZIONI” Polo Museale di Sant'Agostino, Cortona
“MORENO BONDI. LA LUCE E L'OMBRA DI CARAVAGGIO NEL CONTEMPORANEO”, Palazzo Venezia, Rome, sponsored by Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
“OMAGGIO A LUCHINO VISCONTI” , Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Florence
"IL DUPLICE UNIVERSO DI MORENO BONDI” , Palazzo Minervio, Festival dei Due Mondi, Spoleto
“FRA ANGELI E DEMONI”, Magazzini del Sale, Cervia
“LA CADUTA DEGLI DEI” a Villa La Colombaia di Luchino Visconti di Ischia
“ACCORDI DI LUCE” al Teatro Lirico di Cagliari (Organizzata dalla Fondazione Teatro Lirico)
“L'OMBRA SCOLPITA” , Chiostro di San Francesco, Iglesias
“AFORISMI”, Palazzo Caselli, Carrara