Katia Pugach
Data and contact details

Born 1981 in Sevastopol, USSR, Russia. Lives and works between Rome and Moscow.

Personal Exhibitions:

2019 "AXIS MUNDI"-Progect Room-MACRO Asilo, Roma                                                                                                                                                                              2019 "AB OVO"-Black Room-MACRO Asilo, Roma                                                                                                                                                                                       2013 “DEJAVU” - Castello di Rivara, Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea, (Torino) Italy 2010 "Kamnesad" - Residency of Spanish ambassador in Moscow, Russia 2002 2010 “Farewell with XX century” - Studio 50 A - Moscow, Russia Took a part in:

2019 "CABINE D'ARTISTA"-Abbi Cura-SBA Sporting Beach Arte, Ostia, Roma                                                                                                                                               2017 “A Cappella” in a house of Kandinsky, Moscow, Russia 2016 “The Ark” parallel project of 5 Moscow Bienniale of Yang Arts Moscow, Russia 2016 "Luna 16” Ex Convento in San Francesco Della Scarpa Puglia, Italy 2014 “Propaganda or Global Trash”- OSTRALE, Dresden, Germany 2014 “PLAY ON” - EXTRA ORDINARY DAY - Rebirth day by M. Pistoletto, MAAM, Metropoliz, Roma, Italy – curated by 100% Periferia 2013 “Equinozio d’autunno” Castello di Rivara, Centro per l'Arte Contemporanea, (Torino) Italy 2012 "Da Budet Svet" - Art laboratory na Brusovom pereulke - Moscow, Russia 2011 "Ab OvO" project” - in " Space Odyssey" - Kiev, Ukraine 2010 "Moscow Spa" -Galereya na Vspolnom - Moscow, Russia 2010 "Kamnesad" - Performance, balanced sculptures, Gallery Artraum Moscow, Russia 2010 "Lighning" - Project, installation, performance - The 1st Ural Industrial Biennale of contemporary art - Ural, Russia 2010 "Favour of Nature" - Project - Biennale “Qui Vive?” - Moscow, Russia 2009 "Ab OvO" photo project- Twente Biennale” - Enschede, Netherlands 2009 “Space Garden” - Installation - “GOGBOT-2009” - Enschede, Netherlands 2009 “Ab OvO” - photo project - “GOGBOT-2009” - Enschede, Netherlands 2009 “Foggy forest” - Winner of a “Silver Wreath” prize - Moscow, Russia 2009 2009 “From a Study to an Art Object” - Moscow Museum of Modern Art - Russia 2006 “Golden Bee” - Velvet school of E. Dobrovinsky - Central house of artist - Moscow, Russia


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