Marzia Fiume Garelli
Data and contact details

MFG is an architect and a painter. She applied her creative abilities to a diverse range of projects as well as to painting, one of her passions.

MFG paints mainly in acrylic colors, varnish and spray paint. She usually creates with her hands and assembles or destroys volumes and shapes. Her research concerns organic forms. 

The exhibition takes place inside the JFG associated studio.                                                                                                                                                                         

JFG Coworking space was founded in 2015 by the will and the experience of Fausto Fiume Garelli, well-known neuro psychiatrist, and Anna Patrizia Jesi, great cardiologist. 

The idea was to make coexist in the same environment, aimed at the care and well-being of the patient, art, especially the architectural and theatrical.

This space hosts many different activities but all of them are in search of wellness, to enrich patients, doctors, different technicians, and artists. 

Inside the exhibition will be also presented the activities and the work done by the theatre company BalleriniFiume. 




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