Fulvio Bucelli
Data and contact details

Biographical notes

Born in Rome on 17/01/1954 In the years ' 70 he studied free nudes by sculptor Lorenzo Guerrini at the Academy of fine arts in Rome.

Group Exhibitions 1975 X Quadriennale "the new generation" Palazzo delle Esposizioni-Rome 1977 national exhibition of contemporary art – city of Ascoli Piceno 1995 1° Cosmoverde Studio Le Giare Rome 1996 the City Museum – Boville Ernica yesterday today tomorrow – Italian contemporary art 1998 Fierarte Alatri 2015 Capricorn one - Camponeschi Rome

2016 Rome art Week - Contemporary Week in Rome

2017 Rome art Week - Contemporary Week in Rome

2018 Rome art Week - Contemporary Week in Rome

2019 Rome art Week - Contemporary Week in Rome

2020 Urban utopian - Orsini chapel Rome

2020 Rome art Week - Contemporary Week in Rome

2021 Anthology of those present - 60 contemporary self-portraits Orsini chapel Rome

2021 Rome art Week - Contemporary Week in Rome

2022 Rome art Week - Conemporary Week in Rome

2023 Rome art Week - Contemlorary Week in RomeSolo Exhibitions 1974 Studio S di Carmine Siniscalco Rome 1975 Polymnia gallery Rapallo 1978 Il Gonfalone gallery, Rome 2007 Assisi 33 Rome 2013 Book-gallery Frane Letterarie, Rome2014 Book-gallery Frane Letterarie, Rome2014 'MetroPolis' Calambì cultural association Rome 2016 'Alchemy' Hara Holistic Arts Academy Rome

2017 ‘Movices, sign and color energies’ Rome Art Inn Rome

2018 ‘Sguardi, gestures and novices of the daily’ Open studio Roma

2019 ‘Gestation - black and black to color’ Farheneit451library 

2020 'From the center to the periphery' Farenheit 451 library Rome

2021 'Locked inside' Open studio

2022 'Sign in motion: the rebirth of color' Studio Giancarlino Benedetti Corcos Rome

2023 'Bodies, notes from a shipwreck' Farenheit 451 library Rome

In the occasion of the at the cultural associationk Calambì was made a video: "MetroPolis" dedicated to some designs, with music by Andrea Terrinoni and directed by Luca Merloni. The video can be viewed on YouTube. 

A short has bene made with animation of my drawing fron a short story by Italo Calvino: 'Palomar goes to the city' slected for the 2022 Rome International Film Festival, in competizione in the section: Alice nella Città.

A drawings is published in the volume: "Rome How to survive in the Capital of Deceptions" by Roberto Lucifero. 

One of his drawings is on display at the Centre for Contemporary Art in London.

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