Author, director, visual artist and international performance artist, journalist, is one of the representatives of the Italian live art.
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KYRAHM, author, director, visual artist and international performance artist, journalist, is one of the representatives of the Italian live art. Her gaze towards the social function of the artist is expressed with often overwhelming works. Looking for a constant dialogue with the cinema, her research is the subject of study at Academies and Universities in Europe, in the United States and in Latin America. She has won awards and institutional awards in Italy and abroad, presenting her work at numerous exhibitions, exhibitions, festivals and initiatives all over the world.  She has often collaborated with Julius Kaiser, videomakers and performance artist and from 2009 to 2013 they curated the International Festival of Performance Art.


2020 the film "Chiudi gli Occhi e Vola" by Julia Pietrangeli for which she collaborates as co-screenwriter is nominated for the Golden Globe Award in the documentary section.2015 Gender Obsolescence wins as best artist film section Comizi d'Amore dedicated to Pierpaolo Pasolini Film Festival of the Archipelago with the following motivation: "Kyrahm and Julius Kaiser face the new frontiers of gender identity amalgamating, with disarming incisiveness and poetry, live art and video image, the body of the soul and the soul of the body, With the same astonishing frankness of Pier Paolo Pasolini. " 2010 best performance section Body Art Premio Adrenalina, MACRO Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome 2009 Winners of the Performance Art section of the Venice International Art Prize 2009 Among the 30 best Performance Gender Exploration of the World, IDKex, Columbus, Ohio, USA


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