Laura De Lorenzo
LAURA DE LORENZO entertains an alchemical relationship with matter, which induces substantial metamorphoses in employed materials , both industrial and salvaged. Their assemblage eventually generates heterogeneous and strongly three-dimensional artifacts.
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LAURA DE LORENZO - Roman artist - Curriculum 


Active in the artistic field since the early 1980s, she has simultaneously practiced several activities: architect, industrial designer, jazz musician.

Characteristic of his works is a strong three-dimensionality - a compendium of painting, sculpture, installation - and the use of the most varied objects and materials, from salvaged to industrial, solidly amalgamated. The tendency is a material abstract, with forays into the conceptual and sometimes the figurative, with more interest in continuous experimentation rather than the "recognizability" so dear to the market.

Until the late 1990s, he was part of Roman artist groups: the "Telos Group," of neo-constructivist tendency, supported by Filiberto Menna, and Studio Zero, active mainly abroad, participating in numerous group shows.

Very formative was his intense collaboration with the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome-as an architect in charge of exhibition design and museum graphics-for direct contact with the collections and great artists. It was precisely on the advice of one of them, his friend and mentor Fabio Mauri, that he decided to slow down his many activities in order to concentrate on the visual arts, in the master's opinion, his greatest talent.

The support of two Superintendents at GNAM-Augusta Monferini and Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli-made possible, in 2005, his major exhibition, PAINTING AND MATERIA, at the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, curated by Maurizio Calvesi and Deputy Superintendent Mario Ursino.

The anthological solo exhibition MELTIN' POT, (2014) at the Palazzo Chigi in Formello (RM), curated by Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli, marked the beginning of a new expressive technique: the use of plastics treated at high temperature, which became his "trademark." This technique, which is still evolving, has given rise to numerous collections, featured in group exhibitions, competitions and international awards.

Significant examples can be found in the permanent collections of museums established by Giorgio de Finis: a large installation for MAAM Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove (Rome, 2015) and a painting-sculpture for DIF (Formello, 2016).

In 2015 he participated in the exhibition CoNMedianti, at Spazio85, in Rome, curated by Romina Guidelli and Roberta Cima.

Between 2017 and 2018 large selections of his works, mostly made by shaping different types of plastic materials, are featured in the most important Italian Art Fairs, curated by Piero Bonacchi.

In 2018, he received an honorable mention among the finalists of the international competition "HARMONIES IN ALUMINIUM" at the COMEL Space in Latina and was also among the winners of the International Prize for Contemporary Art called by the Toy Museum, at the Rospigliosi Palace in Zagarolo, curated by Francesco Zero. 

On the occasion of RAW 2018, he participated in the exhibition "CONNECTIONS," at Spazio Maddalena, Rome, curated by Roberta Melasecca.

In 2019 he takes part in the exhibition for World Ready Made Day, promoted by Pablo Echaurren, at MACRO - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma.

The same year, still at MACRO, he spent a week in Atelier, as part of the MACRO-Asilo project by Giorgio de Finis, where he made two large installations and a sculpture (from the series "Dealing with the How Many") and, during a lecture-self-portrait, exposed to the public his views on art in general and on the specificity of his own work. 

In October he took part in the exhibition "L'INFINITO," at the Monticello Complex, Rome, curated by Roberta Melasecca and Fabio Milani (RAW 2019 event).

2020 sees her involved in several online exhibitions and reviews, but also in some "in-presence" exhibitions, such as "ARTISTS FOR ALINA," curated by Sanda Sudor (Forlì and Spoleto) and "LABIRINTI" (Rome), a RAW 2020 event, curated by Fabio Milani. On the other hand, the other event attended, again for RAW 2020, "WE AS NATURE" curated by Roberta Melasecca and Fabio Milani, took place online. Still online, he provides his artistic contribution for the sixteenth #giornatadelcontemporaneo, promoted by AMACI, Association of Italian Contemporary Art Museums.

In 2021 he exhibited at the Venanzo Crocetti Museum in Rome as a finalist for the Arte Borgo Prize and took part in the LAQUILART 2021 art project, curated by the AIACM Association, at L'Aquila.

Still in 2021, he participated in group exhibitions: "LA GIUSTIZIA" (Palazzo Calciati Crotti, Cremona), promoted by Alina Art Foundation, curated by Massimo Magurano and Sanda Sudor; "ONIRICON La Pittura sogna" (Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo), curated by Purificato.Zero Art Gallery; "L'Ambiente: ieri, oggi e, forse, domani" (Museo Fijlkam, Ostia). 

He also collaborates on numerous projects conceived by Roberta Melasecca, as part of the "Thousand Golden Strawberries" Group and the second edition of the Festival of Time. 

On the occasion of Rome Art Week 2021, he exhibits at the Bat-Gallery in Rome, curated by Fabio Milani. He also participates, with one of his projects, in the 17th edition of #giornatadelcontemporaneo.

Starts 2022 with the group exhibitions "EXTRAVANGUARDIA5" and "DAL FIUME IN POI," at the River Museum in Nazzano (RM), promoted by the Purificato.Zero Art Gallery in Rome. In spring he participated in the exhibition IDENTITY, curated by Independent Artists Gallery, at Villa Brentano, Busto Garofalo (MI). From May to July she takes part in three exhibitions, "MOLTEPLICITY," "COTEMPORARY SCENARIOS" and "GLI OCCHI DEGLI ALTRI," at the Dynamic Circuits Association in Milan. Proclaimed the winner of the latter review, she is invited to hold a solo exhibition, at a date to be agreed upon.

In the fall of 2022, he participated in the group show "RISVEGLI," at the Ex Cartiera Latina in Rome, curated by Arte PerOggi, and in the exhibition "SENZA NOMI," at Mario Tosto's Galleria Minima in Rome, both events included in Rome Art Week 2022. Still with the theme "RISVEGLI," he participated in the 18th edition of the #giornatadelcontemporaneo, promoted by AMACI.

In November 2022 he took part in the exhibition "THE BODY OF THE WOMAN," at Mario Tosto's Galleria Minima, Rome.

In February and March 2023, he exhibited again in Milan, at the Associazione Circuiti Dinamici, on the occasion of the exhibitions "ARTIST'S BOOK" and "THE POWER OF THE WIRE: INTERLACES, BINDINGS, TRAMES," curated by Lorenzo Argentino and Sonia Catena.

In April 2023, he participated in the exhibitions "QUELLI DELLA GALLERIA MINIMA," curated by Mario Tosto and "MUCCART," at KOU-Gallery in Rome, in support of the charity program promoted by GSI ITALIA.

In June 2023 he took part in the exhibition "GEOGRAFIE," at Circuiti Dinamici, in Milan, curated by Bianca Marta Imbriani and in October, at the same gallery, in the exhibition "ARTE DA VIAGGIO," curated by Antonia Guglielmo and Lorenzo Argentino.

Still at Dynamic Circuits, in February-March 2024, he took part in the exhibition "L'ANIMA DELLE COSE", curated by Bianca Marta Imbriani and in April in the exhibition "SOGNO O SON DESTO?", curated by Antonia Guglielmo.

Also in April, he participated in the exhibition "INTELLIGENCE ARTIGIANALE," XI edition of RIscARTI Festival di Riciclo Artistico, at Spazio culturale La Vaccheria, Rome and, at the same time, in the exhibition "Arte e Natura: l'Arte sostenibile," at Il mio Salotto d'Arte - Rome, curated by Florence Rovidati.

In July he took part in the exhibition "RENATO NICOLINI and HIS ROMAN SUMMER," at Galleria Minima, curated by Mario Tosto, Rome.



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