Mauro Silani
Data and contact details

Free lance artist, curator, critic and publicist. Founder and curator of the Oxford Collective, an artistic movement that originated from meetings and symposiums held at the Oxford Hotel in Rome.

The Oxford Collective was born in January 2018 to combine an interest in artistic, scientific and philosophical dissemination, starting from common roots. The Collective, after wandering with the traveling exhibition "Archaic and Present", has found a permanent home thanks to the foresight and love for art of Gloria and Massimo Quarta, owners of the Oxford hotel, who since the beginning, in 2018, they believed in the project, hosting the artists' meetings and the first exhibition.

I consider art and sociality as the prerequisites for the regeneration of the social and cultural fabric of cities. This itinerant project means making an effective contribution to the process of reconstructing social relations through art and research.

Group exhibitions curated by me:

-“Archaic and Present”: This was the inaugural exhibition of the Oxford Collective, held in Rome in 2018 at the hotel

- Traveling exhibition of the Oxford Collective, entitled "Archaic and Present", was presented in L'Aquila from 13 to 28 October 2018. The exhibition was hosted at the Palazzetto dei Nobili dell'Aquila, in Piazza Santa Margherita 21.

- Presentation of the Manifesto: The “Oxford Collective” presented its Manifesto entitled "Archaic and Present the New Roman Spatialism" at Palazzo Merulana on Wednesday 18 September 2018: The Collective, established in January 2018, combines the interest in artistic dissemination , scientific and philosophical. The Collective was born from the meetings and symposiums that took place at the Hotel Oxford in via Boncompagni 89 in Rome. We consider art and sociality as prerequisites for the regeneration of the social and cultural fabric of cities. This itinerant project aims to effectively contribute to the process of reconstructing social relations through art and research. The manifesto was also presented in audio form on Radio Teche Rai

-  Mostra “Artisti all’Opera” . Il vernissage della mostra si è tenuto il 19 ottobre 2019 al Castello di Santa Severa.

- “ARCAICO E PRESENTE” Oltre il Tempo, lo Spazio e il Colore Mostra del “COLLETTIVO OXFORD” Il Nuovo Spazialismo Romano Dal 23 Febbraio al 8 Marzo 2019 Galleria GARD Via dei Conciatori 3i.

- "Stop Gravitazinale" mostra del collettivo oxford alla spazio espositvo Vertecchi Roma dal 10 al 15 aprile 2021

- "Stop Gravitazionale #Re-Start" Spazio QArt Hotel Oxford 14 maggio 20 giugmo 2022 via Boncompagni 89 Roma

- Mostra permanente “Questo è il Nostro Spazio” del Collettivo Oxford presso lo spazio espositivo Q’4RT dell’Hotel Oxford in via Boncompagni 89. La mostra è stata inaugurata il 11 novembre 2022 ed è in corso.

Personal exhibitions curated by me:

- "Soul and Matter" by the artist Paolo Paleotti aka Gianpaleotti from 3 to 8 September 2017 in the 1600 rooms of the Rieti tourist office in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II

- The Universal Soul and Matter of the artist Paolo Paleotti aka Gianpaleotti from 23 September 2018 to 30 September 2018 at the bishopric of Rieti Paolo Paleotti's traveling exhibition has finally arrived in his homeland, thanks to the kind concession of H.E.R. Domenico Pompili Bishop Rieti

- “The Path of Mercy” Giampaleotti's Via Crucis Edited by Mauro SilaniFrom 14 to 20 April 2019 BISHOP OF RIETI Via di Cintia 84 Rieti

- "Archetypal Dis-appearances" Space/Time in the Eternity of Being anthological exhibition by SIlvia Rinaldi curated by Mauro Silani from 15 to 22 February 2020 Via Erasmo Gattamelata, 54, 00176 Rome

- “FROM THE SEA TO COLOR” anthology by the artist Carlo Solazzi edited by Mauro Silani. The exhibition was held from 8 to 21 May 2023 in the exhibition hall of Villa Guglielmi in Fiumicino.

Research and experimentation activities:

I have been participating since 2020 as a social media maker in Carlo Infante's project Urban experience, a radionomadic project for mapping the city

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