Paola Camera
Paola Camera, art historian with expert knowledge in conservation science for works of art, lives and works in Rome. Since 2016 she has been an adjunct lecturer in the History of Art Techniques at the Schools of Art and Crafts of Roma Capitale.
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Paola Camera, art historian, lives and works in Rome.

She specialised at the Three-Year School of Art History at the University of Florence with Mina Gregori, and enriched her studies with an internship at the MiC Opificio delle Pietre Dure School of Higher Education in Florence, where she then worked, from 1996 to 2002, as a consultant art historian in the field of Mural Painting Conservation and Preventive Conservation.

After a few years of collaboration with ICCROM for training courses for specialists in the sector, since 2018 she has been working at the Ministry of Culture as an Expert for the Conservation of the Historic-Artistic Heritage in the Office of the Special Superintendent for the 2016 Earthquake afferent to the General Directorate for the Security of the Cultural Heritage, dedicated to risk prevention, safety and security and heritage conservation.

He has been an adjunct lecturer in the History of Artistic Techniques at the Schools of Art and Crafts of Roma Capitale since 2016.

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