Liliana Spadaro
Data and contact details

Liliana Spadaro lives and works in Rome. Her interest for the Arts started at of school-age, when she realised that the chosen school address misses exactly of what she was deeply interested: the study of the Italian artistic heritage and all other studies related to it. She started therefore a self-study path, filling the gaps with parallel studies to those scholastic learnings, she approached the world of the Arts exhibition and she assiduously frequented museums and art galleries. As she ended high school studies she achieved a triennial and a master’s degree in History of the Contemporary Art at La Sapienza University in Rome, with a thesis about the artist Luigi Ontani.

Later she completed her study path also attending to the Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Storico Artistici at La Sapienza University in Rome; in this occasion she proposed an experimental thesis regarding the relationship among the contemporary art and the Japanese mangas, by which she aroused the interest of the university committee and scored the highest grade with distinction. The thesis was the starting point for the study of a phenomenon that cares about the contemporary substratum of the art, a mixing of pop and daily life elements, as comic books, fused to cultural first class elements.

From this moment on she began a series of collaborations and job relationships with artists and institutions including MondoMostre, the Ufficio Mostre della Sovrintendenza Capitolina di Roma Capitale, the Nuovo Archivio dei Macchiaioli, the NextExit organisation, Fefè Art Magazine and for a long time Flash Art Italy organisation. Besides all of this she also alternates the tourist guide activity and had a non-profit partnership with many active associations in Rome and the surrounding area.

On October 3rd 2016, together with other two partners, she founded the Cultural association OrbitArte, to highlight the exploitation and fruition of the contemporary artistic heritage and more. With OrbitArte she arranged, as a curator, some personal exhibition of active residential Roman artists as Luis Cutrone from Studio Sotterraneo. She also got involved in the organisation of the Bauci Park demonstration, with a visual storytelling through artistic walks in peculiar districts in Rome event.

Her interest and her contemporary art related activities are today still alive and in constant evolution.



Curathor and consultant for economic evaluation of the artworks of the exhibition “Ognuno si faccia i propri Duchamp. Omaggio a Gianpaolo Berto”, on the occasion of RAW - Rome Art Week 2018, at Studio Sotterraneo, Rome.

20 October 2018 - 11 November 2018 


Curator of the personal exhibition of Luis Cutrone "Tra ombra e luce" at exhibit Ozio Pigneto, Rome 25 May - June 17 2018.


Curator and tourist guide of the event/guided tour at Quadraro Rome’s district for the "Bauci Park” demonstration, visual storytelling through artistic walks event, held on November 23 2017.


Curator and tourist guide, in collaboration with the cultural association "Inforidea", for 5 days trekking and culture event near Rome, October 28- November 1st 2017.


Administrator and curator of the personal exhibition of Luis Cutrone, at Studio Sotterraneo, Rome September - October 2017.


President and founder of the "Cultural Association "Orbitarte", aimed at promoting the artistic heritage of Rome and "Italy in general, from 3 October 2016.               



Design and organisation work of artist Piero Fantastichini's personal exhibition, entitled "Luminescenze" at Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome on June 2009.


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