Roberto Cavallini
Data and contact details

Roberto Cavallini was born in Rome in 1950.

He graduated in Sociology, with honors from the La Sapienza University of Rome.

He obtained a Master in New Media and Communication, in 2000, with honors from the Tor Vergata University of Rome.

He has been a member of the National Order of Journalists since 1996.

1980 - He begins to take an interest in photography. 1983 - He exhibits at the SICOF in Milan in the group show “Sport nella terza età”.

1984 - He began his career as a free lance photographer, collaborating with the major newspapers.

1991 - Carries out the first photographic research "I videoartisti italiani". 1996 - Enrolled in the National Order of Journalists. 1997 - He exhibits a photographic exhibition on the poet and editor of the Beat Generation “Lawrence Ferlinghetti” at the Centro Studi Americani in Rome. 1998 - The collaboration as photographic critic of the Media insert of the newspaper L'Unità begins. He exhibits the photographic exhibition “River Tiber River Ganga” at the AOF58 Gallery in Rome.

He exhibits, for the Italian Foundation for Photography in Turin,“I volti della paura” - collective. The collaboration as a photojournalist with the magazine Diario begins 1999 - He exhibits the photographic exhibition“PEEP – Piano di Edilizia Economica e popolare” at the Protomoteca of the Municipality of Rome. 2001 - He is adjunct professor of“Storia del Reportage” and“Digital Image Processing” in the Master in Photographic Languages ​​at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome 2002 - 2007 - He is adjunct professor of“Storia dei Linguaggi fotografici” ​​in the degree course in Media and Communication Science and Fashion Photography at the Fashion Culture Course at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome. 2003 - Participates in the Rome International Photography Festival in the Rome section“Until tomorrow”. 2005 - Exhibits at the Vittoriano in Rome - Salone di Maggio - Rome: Places and Colors. 2006 - He exhibits at the Galleria Fòndaco for the International Photography Festival in Rome the photographic exhibition“1 Km. di diametro”. 2008 - 2009 - He is adjunct professor of Photographic Laboratory in the degree course in Industrial Design at the La Sapienza University of Rome 2008 - 2016 - He is a trainer in the Video - photographic and multimedia disciplines at L'ENDOFAP - Lazio 2009 - Curating the book and the travelling exhibition in“Rome, Prague and Bari,“Praga 20 agosto 1968. Una storia privata” by Enzo Lattanzio. 2010 - Exhibits the RomaSunuSenegal exhibition on the Senegalese community in Rome at the Marconi Library in Rome. 2011 - Produces the volume / interview with Luciano Corvaglia,“Come uno sciamano” -, in Negativo – Positivo, Postcard Ed. 2014 - Critical presentation of the photographic exhibition "Compagni di viaggio" by Simona Toscano at Le Scuderie del Villino Corsini - Villa Pamphilij Rome. Participate in the collective Darkroom Project at Arles - International Photography Festival. Take part in the collective Darkroom Project near Stuttgart. Organizer, director and screenwriter of the event“La Roma di Pasolini in bicicletta”, at the Appia Antica Regional Center, under the patronage of the Regional Body of the Appia Antica Park and the Municipality of Rome 2015 - Organizes the multimedia event“Rappresentazione e autorappresentazione” made with photographs, texts and videos of his students from ENDOFAP-Lazio, at the Villino Corsini Stables - Villa Pamphilij Rome. 2017 - Participates in the collective“Il Mostro” in Arles, organized by TAG. He collaborates with the magazine "SuccedeOggi". Realized the fanzine "L’anno del verde ipocrita", produced by Monkeyphoto. Collaboration with the Faculty of Tourism Sciences begins with seminars on“cultural cycling tourism”. 2018 - He is curator, together with Arturo Belluardo, of the“Parole e Ombre” event, a meeting between literature and photography. Take part in“Buck Up and Cry” by Barbara Lalle and Marco Marassi at the Macro Asilo in Rome.2019 - Organizes, together with photographer Pino Guerra, the exhibition ""La voce degli occhi - Scampia. Viaggio fotografico nel mondo delle Vele"" at the Marconi Library in Rome. 2020 - He is curator, together with Arturo Belluardo, of the second edition of the“Parole e Ombre” event. He participates as a photographer and as a critic in“The DarkRoom Project” organized by the TAG Gallery, at the Castle of S. Severa. Curator of designs and executes the photographs of the series of short stories:“Cucina in quarantena, Cronache da un’Italia sospesa”. Publishes the story:“Bella ciao, dal balcone”. 2021 – Curator of designs and executes the photographs of the series of stories: L’estate del nostro scontento, Goodbye Alitalia.“He publishes on Succedeoggi the stories:“Fumo di Londra”,“Le donne del Panjshir”,“Come leggere Roma”,“Eventualmente baciarti vorrei”. He curates, together with Barbara Lalle and Barbara Visca, the group exhibition“Il cadaver exquisite ed. 2021/2022”.2022 Curated with Barbara Lalle, the performance installation "Il lato oscuro del desiderio" by Senith Genderotica, at the Zalib space. He holds the seminar "PPP100 - Pasolini's Rome by bicycle", at the Degree Course in Tourism Sciences, Tor Vergata University of Rome.He publishes in Succedeoggi the article“Watching Pasolini” and the story“Lost in Venice”.   

During 2022 was curator with Barbara Lalle of IDEM a performance of Daniela Carreras and of QUEST'ANNO TI SCRIVO UNA LETTERA A MANO, a performance of Laura Della Gatta in Studio Campo Boario.

On september 2023 he curated, with Barbara Lalle, the exibition IQUEST du Ineesh Chiluveru at Goethe Istitut - Zentrum Hyderabad. 

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