Mauro Rubini
"In his works the light and the shapes of reality are broken down into chromatic combinations often outside the logic of what is represented to approach life indirectly, acquiring a total point of view on the universe."Francesca Giarolli
Data and contact details

Mauro Rubini, born in 1974 in the capital, lives there and works as an architect.

In the artistic field, attracted by drawing from a very young age, he cultivated his own path as a self-taught artist. His works, the result of experimentation and research, are a cross-section of his experience, constantly open to new techniques, which always leads to unique and original works.

The artistic production, overcoming the constraints of the two dimensions thanks to the use of simple but versatile materials, presents fantastic atmospheres, places and subjects, involving the observer in a reflection on the values ​​of life in a delicate, poetic and fascinating way.

His passion for art has motivated and pushed him to organize artistic events since 2013.

He recently founded and artistically directs RBN arte, a Capitoline reality with which he presents his works together with the works of other Roman artists.


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