Fondazione Magis
Solidarity ArtIn 2015, the MAGIS Foundation opened up to the art world by launching the Arte Solidale initiative and collaborating with the Artists' Collective Oltre i Confini, who donated a work to raise funds for a development project in Chad.
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Solidarity Art

The MAGIS Foundation - Movement and Action of the ItalianTogether for Development - is the foundation that coordinates the missionary and international cooperation activities of the Euro-Mediterranean Province of the Society of Jesus. In 2015 it opened up to the art world, collaborating with the Artists Over Borders Collective who donated a work to be exhibited (Rome, from 7 to 10 October 2015,La Pigna Gallery) to raise funds for an agricultural development project in Chad.

The "Opere Solidali" exhibition initiative made it possible to expand the community gardens project.

In June 2016 a performance afternoon was organized with "Rhythm ... for body and spirit" combining images with writing and the sounds of words.

Subsequently were made available to the MAGISsome works, as part of the 2016-2017 donor campaign, for the initiative "Donate to them and we donate to you" to the supporters of the various projects.

In 2017 (from September 23 to October 7) the exhibition "Idriss Bakay: A Rural Artist" was organized in Rome (Art Gallery Bar), a tribute to the Chadian artist who died the year before. The event was attended, among others, by: Claudia Bellocchi, Luigi M. Bruno, Giorgio Fiume, Venera Finocchiaro, Gianleonardo Latini, Janine Claudia Nizza.

Starting from 2018, with PrestArte, an initiative that can count on a "heritage" of over a hundred small works by contemporary artists, MAGIS offers the opportunity to borrow a work - as if it was a book - for three months and renewable for another, upon annual registration with the Loan Service. The initiative aims to circulate the art of ideas and forms, to enhance the creative wealth of individual artists and to expand the circuits of use of art, in addition to finding donations to finance development and education projects.

Now the MAGIS, together with the Artists Over the Borders Collective, proposes the Wall of Rights, with about fifty works by various artists

The initiative is partly composed of a selection of the works of the previous Visions of Humanity initiative, held in 2007 in three different spaces, and enriched with recent works to open up and involve in solidarity a greater audience interested in understanding contemporary art.

The initiative

 The initiative, proposed by Magis with Artists Over Borders, starts from the exhibition dedicated to Human Rights Visions of Humanity, which took place in 2007 in three different spaces, and from which it selected part of the works exhibited on a single wall of mt. 2,30x4,20, ‘not only to combine civil commitment with contemporary art, but to offer an opportunity for comparison and understanding of today's art scene, among the visions of more or less known artists.

To the patrimony of Visions of Humanity other works have been added, reaching the number of fifty artists of various expressive tendencies, offering the public a broad look at the predominantly Roman artistic panorama.

The exhibited works vary from cm. 20x20, largely, to cm. 50x40, made in different techniques and supports, for an overview of the various expressions.

The Wall of Rights is a large "mosaic" of sixty works by as many artists.

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