Collezionando Gallery
Collezionando Gallery inaugurated in 2004 with an exhibition on American illustrators. From that moment on, the gallery is in continuous research, paying attention to emerging artists on the international scene. Since January 2009, the curator Ada Egidio has wanted to give a sign of continuity and interest for all forms of art by doing various fairs both in Italy and abroad. The curator has been named artistic director since 2017 of Iconic The Exhibition project
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The Collezionando Gallery inaugurated in January 2004 with an exhibition on American illustrators. From that moment on, being a lover of art in all its facets, the Collezionando Gallery is in continuous research, paying particular attention to emerging artists on the international scene. Since January 2009, the curator Ada Egidio has wanted to give a sign of continuity and interest for all forms of art by doing various fairs both in Italy and abroad. The gallery is also located on two digital platforms, Artsy and Artsper 

After 2 years at the headquarters of Via Pietro Cavallini - Rome (April 2015), Collezionando Gallery returns to its main office at Via Nostra Signora di Lourdes 118/120 - Rome and curator Ada Egidio has been appointed artistic director since May 2017 of the international project Iconic The Exhibition

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