Numero Cromatico
Numero Cromatico in a Research Centre on the relationship between Art and Science. The goal of the Centre is to create a dibate on the future perspective of Contemporary Art with a scientifical approach. Numero Cromatico is also a publishing house which publishes nodes, magazine created for spread the researches of the Centre.
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Numero Cromatico

Research Centre on the relationship between Art and Science


Numero Cromatico is a Research Centre, established in Rome on 2011, formed by researchers came from several disciplinary field.

The researches are based on: Art, Neuroscience, Empirical Aesthetics, Psycology of Art, Visual Communication.

The research Centre is focused on:

to develop scientific research activity in Art;

to open on a debate about the limit and future perspective of contemporary Art;

build up theories and artworks based on experimental procedures;

stimulate critical thinking by pubblications, labs, research projects, performances, events, lectures, artwork and exhibitions.


Members of the Research Centre


Salvatore Gaetano Chiarella

Manuel Focareta

Dionigi Mattia Gagliardi

Danilo Innocenti

Marco Marini

Japoco Natoli

Luna Sarti

Giulia Torromino

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