Montoro 12 Contemporary Art
The gallery was founded in 2012 and promotes the work of contemporary Italian and foreign artists, in 2017 the gallery opened a second branch in Brussels and transformed the one in Rome into a residency for artists
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Montoro12 Contemporary Art takes its name from its location in the center of Rome:  Via di Montoro 12. The gallery was founded in 2012 to promote both emerging as well as internationally known contemporary artists working in a variety of media. Montoro12 Contemporary Art is interested in artists whose work is both conceptually innovative as well as visually stunning. The gallery holds about six exhibitions a year and promotes its artists in international art fairs, by collaborating with curators and museums and by publishing scholarly exhibition catalogues.Montoro12 Contemporary Art has recently opened a new location in Bruxelles, Rue de la Règence, 67.



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