Ospizio Giovani Artisti
The OGA was provocatively created to 'host' only artists over 35 years of age, a limit often used also institutionally to define a young artist (in italian 'ospizio' indicates a shelter for the elderly).
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The OGA was born provocatively to 'host' only artists over 35 years of age, a limit often used also institutionally to define a young artist (in italian 'ospizio' indicates a shelter for the elderly). To tell the truth, this rule at OGA is now often transgressed, but always trying not to distort too much the original ideal of the exhibition space. The works of the numerous collective and personal exhibitions that are held every year come exclusively from the collection of the Ospizio Giovani Artisti. The artists themselves donate their works to the collection, in order to be able to continue to realize themed exhibitions in the future as a continuous reflection on the role of involvement of contemporary and modern art in today's society.

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