Spazio Menexa
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Data and contact details

Spazio Menexa is a interdisciplinary space where to present arts. In its renewed appearance the exhibition space has been increased to accommodate a greater number of works and people. The characteristic that distinguishes it is the absolute neutrality and clarity of the structure that brings out any type of work on display. Rome, over time, has been the nerve center of contemporary art and culture; and has been of great importance in creating new trends and many important artists worldwide have been confronted in this wonderful city. Spazio Menexa has the will to become an important meeting point for artists, a significant site where you can compare and welcome new views and trends. This place is a modern reworking of the old artistic café, and becomes a place where to develop and share new ideas, where the creation and the contamination must be characteristics that lead to a significant change in all the artistic circles, reaffirming the important role of city in Italy and worldwide.

Spazio Menexa is managed by Kou.

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