Spazio Veneziano
SpazioVeneziano is a meeting point for artists: experimenting every day with the new and the original.
Data and contact details

Spazio Veneziano is a home-gallery active for three years, happily positioned in the "Coppedè" area, in which the artist Corrado Veneziano creates and realizes his works.

Spazio veneziano, moreover, with its high vaults and its large and luminous spaces, operates as an exhibition space that can be used by other artists - also for the realization of master classes or training stages - and for which hospitality is available, in case the origin is international (or, however, extra-regional).

Finally, Spazio Veneziano opens peridically to a public with cultrural initiatives, moving in the literary-poetitic, musical, cinematographic or chamber theater.

Spazio veneziano is open non-continually and always in function of hosted initiatives.




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