SBA Sporting Beach Arte
One of the most prestigious bathing establishments on the Roman coast, the Sporting Beach in Ostia, with its exquisitely mid-century atmosphere, opens up as SBA - Sporting Beach Arte to events, exhibitions and contemporary art performances in a delightful exhibition space and, occasionally, in the open spaces of the beach and the Mediterranean garden.
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SBA - Sporting Beach Arte is a space that welcomes contemporary art in the Rome beach neighborhood, Ostia. It is not, technically, a simple gallery, but a large environment, a meeting place that offers ideas to understand the different problems offered by the natural and social environment in which it is inserted, in the belief that by art and culture we can giving a place back the awareness of its own identity, in order to achieve the creation of a civic conscience and a common horizon to a sustainable way. It is a private space but open to everyone, also in collaboration with other galleries, while remaining firm in the coherence of the founding ideas.

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