Assemblea is a shop - art gallery located in the Testaccio area. It is the result of a project born to give voice to Italian craftmanship as well as to promote artists through art exhibitions. It is a hub for arts and crafts, where Italian artists coming from all regions can express themselves. Assemblea believes in the value of the old artisanal traditions as a proof of the Italian ability to master the crafts through evolution, experimentation and research.
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Assemblea is a shop - art gallery located in the Testaccio area. It is the result of a project born to give voice to Italian craftmanship as well as to promote artists through art exhibitions. It is a hub for arts and crafts, where Italian artists coming from all regions can express themselves. Assemblea believes in the value of the old artisanal traditions as a proof of the Italian ability to master the crafts as a mean towards the future, through evolution, experimentation and research.

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