Capitolium Art
Art changes, it evolves, but it does not lose its appeal. And in Rome, which has always been the cradle of artists and gallerists, there has been a beneficial fervor lately, especially around contemporary art and its technological and hybrid derivations. Spaces are needed to express themselves, places that are no longer just exhibition or commercial, but rather capable of promoting discussion and creating new connections.
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On November 24 CapitoliumArt inaugurates in Rome, Via delle Mantellate 14, the activities intended to promote art in all its many forms, which may include: exhibitions, publications, performances, debates, research and exploration of new opportunities also with the intention of creating a network of collaborations preparatory to the purpose. It is an ambitious and unambitious project, no pretense of dictating rules of any kind, just a desire to stimulate dialogue.The first event was a tribute to master Mario Schifano, who has inhabited this space in the past.

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