sophisticated artistic furniture brand emblem of contemporary creativity unique minimalist production exclusive design high culture manufacturing essential geometric shapes with the utmost respect for the raw material each collection of works and environment installation is characterised by elegance and aesthetic perfection and draws pure lines of authentic beauty handmade in italy kitchens bathrooms and total living
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HENRYTIMIromaartinterior gallery

in the ruins it quiversknowledge burns to be lifetraces of the ancient characterpenetrated by the great decrees of fatea whisper in the eternal city

where identity stands in a monumental landscapedescent into the shadowswhere thought meets the original essencecontemporaneity in the place of its rootsbetween the major arteries of romegallery in via margutta in the campo marzio district

functional artworkssophisticated artistic furniture brandemblem of contemporary creativityunique minimalist productionexclusive designhigh culture manufacturingessential geometric shapeswith the utmost respect for the raw materialeach collection of works and environment installationis characterised by elegance and aesthetic perfectionand draws pure lines of authentic beautyhandmade in italykitchens bathrooms and total livingof absolute excellencea new encounterwith our truest originssublimates nature and artwhilist listening to our beingoriginal emotion

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