Rione Roma
Urban Art Rome Walls that speak: 8 artist, different voices, different styles for a choral story that crosses the walls of the gallery and sounds like the city. Dissonant, polyphonic, scathing, poetic, provocative: alive. The exhibition is spread over three floors, along this route it will be possible to get to know and be surprised by the productions of 8 urban artists.
Data and contact details

Rione Roma is an urban regeneration project of the Bluecheese Project non profit organization - carried out with the support of the Assessorato alla Crescita Culturale and the Assessorato alle Politiche del Patrimonio. Its base of operations is the association's new headquarters in Via Dell'Arco di Parma; from here, a privileged place of observation, Rione Roma is concerned with telling the story of the neighborhoods through the words of its inhabitants and frequenters, of giving visibility to unusual and unexpected aspects. Its activities are: tours, guided tours, workshops, exhibitions, talks.

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