"embrice" (from Imber, rain) since 2007, the centenary of the Werkbund, is a network and a phisical place at Garbatella. Art, Architecture, random subjects and a leading thought aimed at environmental protection with a systemic approach.
Data and contact details

Embrice, Trade mark filed with the MISE on 17/12/2007 for Cultural activities, Training, Digital publishing, operated as:-Embrice Arts and Crafts.-Embrice for.-Embrice Culture Training Digital Publishing.


The term 'embrice' ( from Imber, rain ) corresponds, since 2007, the centenary of the Werkbund, to the opening of an online space - www.embrice2030.com - and a physical place ( Rome Garbatella ), the headquarters of a new small multicoloured socio-cultural reality, the colour preferred by Gropius at Harvard. Art and Architecture, the themes around which contributions and exhibition opportunities (by artists, craftsmen, photographers, graphic designers, copywriters, architects) have been built, are now joined by random subjects, collected worldwide, consistent with a guiding thought aimed at environmental protection and sustainability with a systemic approach.

Since 2008, it has carried out 90 Cultural Activities and Training actions.The titles published since 2012, in the Series: Formato aTema, with Aracne, Ermes and Writeupsite books, are now all available with new ISBNs at Writeupsite books.In the chronology the titles are indicated at the beginning of the year

2007- 17/12 - Filing of the Embrice trademark

2008/ 12 Actions. 21/02, Opening Embrice Arts and Crafts. Embrice in the Italian vocabulary. 22/02, Embrice and Embricati: presentation, with freelands, by Vincenzo Nizza. 07/03, Fabio Andriotto, Artigiano Artista, by Carlo Severati. 18/03, Garbatella 1920-1956,l'Ingegnere IACP Passeri,curated by Carlo Severati.17/04, Alberto Giuliani, Tomba Rademaker, presentation by Franco Purini. 13/05, Sbordoni, Baldoni, Calvani. Concept Pictures, curated by Paolo Balmas. 20/06, Metanopoli revisited, Architect Daniele Forlania curated by Carlo Severati. 26/09, Metà e Metà, TRAIDENTITI, site specific installation, curated by Paolo Balmas and Carlo Severati. 16/10, Federica Dal Falco: BSR, 1textures on Battaglia di San Romano, curated by Paolo Balmas and Carlo Severati. 16/11, Contemporary Architecture in Asia, with Carlo Laurenti, Franco Purini, Franca Bossalino and Asiatica Film Festival. 21/11, Dafne Tafuri: a sculpture. Memories of a great marble, commission, project, execution and new configurations curated by Franceso Moschini. 20/12, Embrice on Embrice: Exhibition review of a year.

2009/ 6 Actions. 21/01, Edoardo Gellner Centenary, with Michele Merlo, comment by Carlo Melograni. 22/05, Paolo Marconi, progetti e Opere, Patronage Sapienza University of Rome.12/06, Via delle Sette Chiese, antico e contemporaneo, Convegno di Studio, with Franco Purini, Francesco Cellini, Renato Cupelloni, Andrea Catarci, Soprintendenza Comunale, Soprintendenza Vaticana, Patronage Municipio XI (now VIII). 15/09 Zealand Contemporary Art and Architecture, Patronage New Zealand Embassy in Italy, curated by Carlo Severati and Alberto Gatti. 16/10, Vittorio Giusepponi, curated by Paolo Balmas. 03/12, F LL Wright, D'Aiala Valva , Translating, curated by Carlo Laurenti, Patronage: Rockefeller Foundation, Fondazione Bruno Zevi.

2010/ 8 Actions. 13/01, Città Attiva 2009, street event open to citizenship, Patronage and Sponsor Regione Lazio.19/02, Barbara Brancaleoni: Poveri Preziosi, curated by Carla Corrado 18/03, Giorgio Stockel, Architecture and Photography; methods and examples, curated by Carlo Severati. 23/04, Diarambiente, presentation of the Site on Sustainability, with DIAR, Sapienza University, curated by Franca Bossalino. 09/06 Sè - men ,grassroots urban planning experiences in Rome,by Davide Tarantino and Guido Lombardo, ISIA sponsorship, Rome. 24 06, Celso Deppi Cadorino, worker-painter; curated by Carla Corradoi and Giovanna Deppi, Patronage Municipality of Domegge, (BL).22 /10, Carla Breeze, Albuquerque; Cocoa Sky, the NY sky after 9/11 /2001, curated by Paolo Balmas and Carlo Severati.10/12, Embrice for: Mignon by Fedon, In Praise of a Little Box with Mauro De Luca, graphics by Enzo Corrado.

2011/ 8 Actions. 04/03, Shaghayegh Sharafi, Tehran; La terra che non esiste, site-specific installation, curated by Paolo Balmas. 26/03, Moretti, La forma Violata: relief of degradation; Marco Giunta, Alessandra Nizzi, curated by Carlo Severati. 26/05, Lettini, by Tommaso Franchi, curated by Paolo Balmas and Emma Tagliacollo 06/06, "Embrice for": Fedon showcase at Rinascente Duomo Milano.Design and realisation, with Enzo Corrado and Vittorio Giusepponi. 18/09, Bianca Menna Tomaso Binga, Readings from : "Valore Vaginale", music by multi-instrumentalist Tommaso Berretta.13/10, Four Roman Flats I : casa Buontempo-Mazza, 1910-2000, curated by Amedeo Fago, Giuseppe Miano and Carlo Tomassi. 28/10, Nature in a Box, art and nature from "Il sogno Verde", curated by Antonio Capaccio and Claudia Rozio. 02/12, Focus on Eugenio Battisti, curated by Eugenia and Giuseppina Battisti, with Università della Tuscia and Politecnico di Milano. 16/12, Franco Purini, drawings, projects and works, curated by Carlo Severati.

2012/ 5 Actions. Theme format no. 001, Aracne Editrice BSR, La battaglia di San Romano, by Federica dal Falco.27/01, Four Roman Flats II: casa Alessandrini, trasformaziioni e ritrovamenti, edited by Emma Tagliacollo and Carlo Severati. 24/05, "Embrice for". Precious Poor, Material Jewels. Brancaleoni 2, curated by Carla Corrado. 08/06, Post-Strutture: Uemon Ikeda, curated by Simonetta Lux and Carlo Severati, Patronage Biblioteca Centrale Architettura Università La Sapienza, Istituto Giapponese di Cultura, MAVG Architettura La Sapienza, Studio Comunicazione e Immagine di Marta Bianchi, Associazione Italia Giappone. 12/12, Xylographs of the 100 Flowers, curated by Eleonora Caturegli and Carlo Laurenti.

2013/ 6 Actions. Theme Format no. 002, Aracne Editrice Architecture in the Theatre of the Absurd, by China Conforto. Theme Format no. 003, Aracne Editrice. On the Trails of the Mascassans, Gulf of Carpentara,by Andrea Severati.16/05, Architecture in the Theatre of the Absurd: Cina Conforto, projects, works, restorations, Exhibition curated by Carla Corrado. 12/06, Reflections in the Theatre of the Absurd, musical performance. 19/09, La Professione di Architetto: candidature of 'Amate il Cambiamento'. 08/10, Reading: On the Tracks of the Macassans, by Andrea Severati; presentation by Carlo Laurenti.

2014/ 8 Actions. Theme Format No. 004 Aracne Editrice. La Forma violata; la Casa delle Armi di Luigi Moretti by Alessandra Nizzi and Marco Giunta Format in Theme no.005, Aracne Editrice Lettini; works by Tommaso Franchi, edited by Paolo Balmas Format in Theme no.006, Aracne Editrice,Casa Alessndrini, transformations, findings, by Emma Tagliacollo and Carlo Severati. Format and Theme no.007, Atlas of Zoology of Unknown and Rare Animals,by Giorgio Bertolini.07/05, Exhibition Zoological Atlas of Fantastic Animals, by Giorgio Bertolini edited by Carlo Severati , Simona Alessandrini and Bruno Bertolini. 19/09, International Conference Werkbundausstellung 1914, Goethe Institut Rome, patronage Auswärtiges Amt. 23/10, Exhibition: Werkbund 1914, La Sapienza Architecture Library. 25/10, Werkbundausstellung 1914, Exhibition, Embrice, patronage Goethe Institut Roma, curated by Vittorio Giusepponi.

2015/ 6 Actions. Thematic format n.008, Aracne Editrice Artisti d'Avanguardia alla Werkbundausstellung di Colonia del 1914, insights and revisitations by Paolo Balmas and Vittorio Giuseponi, graphics by Maria Spina. Theme Format no. 009, Aracne Editrice Haus der Frau at the Werkbundausstellung in Cologne by Giovanni Longobardi Theme Format no. 000, new series, Ermes Editrice, Valentina Ricciuti Architect, edited by Roberto Ianigro.10/09 Haus der Frau 1914, Embrice Exhibition, curated by Giovanni Longobardi, sponsored by Dipartimento Architetura Università Roma Tre. 27/09, Valentina Valentina Ricciuti Architetto, curated by Roberto Ianigro and Alberto Giuliani. 01/12, International Conference East Meet West, Biblioteca Centrale Architettura La Sapienza, Director Laura Armiero; with: Embassy of Panama, Miyuki Aoki, Antonella Greco, Paolo Girardelli, Carlo Laurenti, Carlo Severati.

2016/ 5 Actions. Themed format new series n.001 Ermes Editrice Design as an exercise for the future; Werkbund 1914 by Federica dal Falco. New Series themed format n.002 Visitors, Federica dal Falco's artistic autobiography Digital themed format n.013, Ermes Editrice Rome Public Toilets, AAVV, edited by Maria Spina.19/11, "Scusi dov'e' il Bagno",Workshop with Roma Tre, Embrice Gallery Exhibition, sponsored by Roma Tre University. 21/06, Uemon Ikeda, recent works - Music in the City. With Studio A&A of Nicola Ciaburri. 02/09, High density-low rise; Paolo Meluzzi Architect, curated by Carlo Severati and Eleonora Carrano, patronage: Department of Architecture University Roma Tre.

2017/ 5 Actions. Digital Theme Format no. 014 Education for Sustainable Design by Rosalba Belibani and Franca Bossalino Digital Theme Format no. 015. Scusi d'ov'è il Bagno? Proceedings of the Woorkshop with Architettura Roma 3 edited by Arturo Becchetti, Fabrizio Felici and LucaTrulli.24/03, Julio Lafuente, edited by Eleonora Carrano. 21/06, Uemon Ikeda, recent works, as part of Musica in Città Assessorato alla Cultura di Roma Capitale. 02/09, High density-low rise; Paolo Meluzzi Archittetto, curated by Carlo Severati and Eleonora Carrano, patronage: Department of Architecture, Roma Tre University.

2018/ 4 Actions. Format in Tema Digitale n.016, writeupsite Editrice L'architetto Paolo Meluzzi: residenze low rise-high density by Stefania Bedoni. Format in Tema Digitalle n.017, Libere Migrazioni; Illustratrici-Artiste del terzo millennio, Works by Claudia Melotti, by Paolo Balmas.10/05, "Abitare la Weissenhofsiedlung ", Exhibition, Goethe Institut Rome 02/09, Illustration and Artistic work: Claudia Melotti, by Carla Corrado.

2019/ 8 Actions. Digital Theme Format n.018, writeupsite Editrice Abitare la Weissenhofsiedlung 1927-2017, Proceedings of the Embrice Workshop, La Sapienza, Roma 3, Art, Architecture, Design, with Vittorio Giusepponi. Digital theme format no. 019 writeupsite Editrice Forme mentali, by Federica Dal Falco12/04, Quadraro-Città, Exhibition, Embrice, patronage: MUNICIPIO VIII, edited by Carlo Severati. 25/05, Filiera Alimentare, Roma Garbatella: il vino sfuso del vinaio Talevi, patronage: Municipio VIII, with Fabio Andriotto, Nicola Ciaburri. 11/07, Rome Quadraro Città, Study Conference, MACRO ASILO, Quaderni del Palaexpo, 2020. 26/09, Mare Nostrum, Site Specific Exhibition, curated by Riccardo Mataloni, Antonio Melle, Andrea Lombardi, Enrico Maria La Forgia, Francesco Pineschi, Mariantonietta Amato, Veronica Benedetti, Elia Kushe, with Fulvio Leoni. Patronage Amnesty Internationl.19/11, World Toilet Day Rome, Conference, MACRO ASILO. Patronage: World Toilet Organization, La Sapienza University, Roma Tre University, Order of Architects of Rome. 20/12, Ancient Structure of the Modern City, contribution to FORUM ROMA REBIRTH, City of Art, with Carla Scura, Alberto Giuliani and Massimo Alessandrini.

2020/ 1 action. 27/6, Via Demetriade, Latina, Campo Barbarico: degradation or archaeological area? Exhibition, Casale del Fiscale, Tor Fiscale Park, Carlo Severati with Giorgio Stockel, in collaboration with Associazione La Torre del Fiscale.

2021/10 Actions. Formato a Tema Digitale n.020 ,writeupsiteEditrice, Architetti-Artiste del terzo millennio: Paola D'Ercole, AAVV, edited by Carlo Severati. 10-20/9, Paola D' Ercole, Architects-Artists of the Third Millenniumcurated by Carlo Severati. 21/9-9/10, Disambientamenti, Prove di Incisione by Carmelo Baglivo, curated by Eleonora Carrano. 29/10-9/11, ORA, hand-sewn fabric bas-reliefs, by Rita Ettore, curated by Giovanna Dalla Chiesa .10/10 Reading " Il libro della celeste desistenza " Reading by Author VittorioTamaro.12-20/10 Decorations from the Mediterranean to Rome, by Colette Taïeb, edited by Giovanna Dalla Chiesa .05/12 Reading " Two or three things about Mr. Lu Xun " Reading by Author Carlo Laurenti .04-16/12, Heterographs, drawings by Paolo Conrad-Bercah, edited by Eleonora Carrano and Carmelo Baglivo. 10/12, Reading, "This is Architecture" Reading by Author Marco Biraghi.

2022/ 10 Azioni. 5/1-26/1, Pietre abitate e Zattere, acquarelli di Marcello Sestito, a cura di Antonella Greco e Carlo Severati; video di Lia Polizzotti e Irene Pantaleo. 30/1, Lettura,“ Il volo della Mosca, tema della complessità”, Lettura dell'Autore Fulvio Forino. 5-15/2, L'Atelier di Gustave Courbet ad Ornans: il Restauro di Giulio Balduini, a cura di Antonella Greco e Maria Luisa Priori; video di Maria Luisa Priori. 21-26/2, Architetture per collegare i Parchi: 5 idee di Franco Purini a cura di Carlo Severati. 5-15/3, Fiori d'Artifico, di Lu Tiberi. a curadi Antonella Greco. 20/3 Lettura, “ Versante d'Esilio”. Lettura dell'Autore Alessandro Anil. 29/2-8/4, Traslazioni: ornamento, scultura e architettura di Ruggero Lenci, a cura di Eleonora Carrano e Carmelo Baglivo, con una nota di Antonella Greco 22/4-6/5, “ I MUSEUM”, a cura di Giorgio De Finis. 20-27/5, “ Fluidovisioni”, di Rasvan Sacaleanu, a cura di Carlo Severati e Antonella Greco. 28/5-20/6, Disegno e Costruzione di Gianandrea Barreca, a cura di Eleonora Carrano.

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