Kattinis Foundation was established in July 2023 as an evolution of ArtGap. The activities of ArtGap, consolidated over the years, were combined with the more specific activities of the Foundation. The Foundation is dedicated to the conservation of works of figurative art, with a special focus on the works of Maestro Julianos Kattinis; to research in the fields of cultural heritage, the figurative, performing and musical arts; to research concerning the methodologies of investigation, conservation, development and teaching; to scientific research related to artistic diagnostics; to art education, including through scholarship competitions; to professional training in the field of cultural heritage and the performance of social tasks in the various fields of culture, the figurative, performing and musical arts; to figurative, performing and musical arts education aimed at childhood, pre-adolescence, adolescence and adulthood; to art curatorship aimed at the design and staging of exhibitions and cultural events in Italy and abroad; to cultural, archaeological, figurative, performing and musical arts dissemination; the management, consultation, conservation and archival research, with special reference to Maestro Julianos Kattinis; the management, consultation, conservation and bibliographic research, with special reference to Maestro Julianos Kattinis
Fondazione Kattinis
Like life, the Master's death is a bridge to the Eternal, not a farewell journey but a return to the Universe, to that 'Wholeness' that involves everyone. In an actuality made up of dialogues broken by violence and pain, Kattinis' masterpieces are a living testimony of fraternal exchange between cultures, universal ideals, human sentiments that stand incorrupt, challenging the infinite. Suggestions, images and passions from which no one is a stranger.
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