Galleria Borzelli
For Rome Art Week project "Via del Gesù 69": Mirna Manni and Rossana Borzelli. Exhibition in the Borzelli Gallery and in the adjacent courtyard of the Palazzetto Pozzi where the works will be exhibited. Followed by "Via del Gesù 69": Giuseppe Fontana Anna Kozlowska-Luc Milena Bini and Paolo Lo Russo
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Borzelli Gallery

Structure founded in June 2023

Director Rossana Borzelli

Borzelli Gallery was born just a few months ago, it is located in the historic hearth of Rome, in Via del Gesù 69, near the Church of the same name and the Pantheon.

It is proposed as an exhibition space for sharing and comparison between Artist, with their languages and their personal creative energy, in a context of mutual stimolation and involvement.

The specifity of the place is strongly rooted in the idea of the presence of the Artist:

Rossana Borzelli, who created the Gallery, she loves to dialogue with Art in the round, her works are exhibited togheter with those with the other hosted Artist and she herself interprets the multiple creative languages introducing them to the public who visit the Gallery.

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