E.T.I.R. company was founded on the year 1968,and till now is operating as a travel agency, in the historic center of Rome in front of Mura Aureliane, adiacent Villa Borghese park.Last year we have invited some artists to exibit in our working space, individually,monthly:Franco Losvizzero, Giancarlino,Monica Pirone, Vito Bongiorno and Angelo Colagrossi.We have pubblished by Bordeaux Edizioni for everybody 5 books. The project included also the individuale exposition of Vincenzo Pennacchi, Sergio Angeli, Mauro Magni, Patrizio Disciullo and Elina Chauvet.Hub 39/Art would be the "hub" to joing our travellers with the contemporary art, also our working space with different artistic places in the city.We have shared the project DIVO C on September 2020, hosting 3 photos of Rome by Aldo Feroce, Giorgio Benni and Valentina Stefanelli make a trip in one unusual city and contemporary a jorney into a magic world with the painters Salvatore Pupillo and Mauro Magni.