Spazio GB EditoriA
Ginevra Bentivoglio EditoriA (a Publishing House specialized in art, Archeology, Architecture, Historical and History) and the Cultural Association “RinascimentiAmo” also organize exhibitions and other cultural events. The headquarters is located in a fifteenth-century building and has been restored by the current owners, Enzo Bentivoglio and Simonetta Valtieri, through a complex and careful cleaning work.
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GB EditoriA is a publishing house founded in Rome by Ginevra Bentivoglio in 2005, specialized in art, Archeology, Architecture, Historical and History. It also organizes exhibitions and other cultural events.

The cultural association “RinascimentiAmo: un Futuro per il Passato” was founded in 2015, with the aim of enhancing the Historical and Artistic Heritage – material and intangible – and proposing to be a place of meeting and aggregation, in the name of common cultural interests.

The headquarters is located in a fifteenth-century building and has been restored by the current owners, Enzo Bentivoglio and Simonetta Valtieri, through a complex and careful cleaning work.

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