Tanino g. Infantino
Painter and watercolourist, but above all sculptor. In the nineties I started my own research with watercolour, blending the colours and bringing out textures that hint at the existence of overlying planes. At the moment I make sculptures.
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Born in Agrigento, he was interested in painting and sculpture from a young age. He frequented circles of artists, musicians, artisans and lived in France and Switzerland where he exhibited his works which became part of private collections.Having moved to Rome in the seventies, he alternated psychology studies with participation in national exhibitions. For many years he dedicated himself to psychology and alternately to graphics, watercolor and oil painting and in recent years also to wood sculpture, in particular olive wood. He currently carries out his artistic activity in Sabina where, through his «Psyche&Arte» Association, he promotes the project “Spreading culture to spread mental health”.

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