Claudia Palmira
Memory updated English (256 characters): Artist and designer Claudia Palmira, a New Yorker based in Rome since 2006, is known for her abstract artistry and rich textures. She founded Clù, a luxury silk scarf brand. She created the series Iconics/Poetics.
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Artist and designer Claudia Palmira, a native New Yorker, has made her home in Rome since 2006. Her work bridges the past and future, drawing inspiration from cultural icons while exploring new possibilities through modern technology. Known for her distinct, abstract artistry and richly layered textures, Palmira’s style is both timeless and innovative.


In 2021, Palmira launched her luxury silk scarf line under the label "Clù," available at the Met Opera Shop and other bespoke retailers. Dubbed "the designer’s designer" by *House Beautiful*, she has led her Studio, founded in 1996, to create digital projects for prestigious clients such as Bulgari Hotels, the Vatican, and the United Nations. Recently appointed Chief Design Officer at Beacon Int’l, a global publishing conglomerate, Palmira has also designed bestsellers for Simon & Schuster and Condé Nast, and served as the director of *Italian Journal* magazine from 2006 to 2013.

As an exhibited artist, she has had solo shows at the American Embassy Gallery in Rome, Margutta Home, ULC Gallery (NYC) and the Chadwick & Chilton Gallery in Greenwich, CT. In 2020, she expanded her artistic expression with a signature line of art-as-objects under the Clù brand, blending beauty with functionality. Most recently, Palmira has taken on the role of Art Director for the show *Francesco: Laudato Sie* (Rome, 2024), a significant cultural event.

In addition to her visual art, Palmira appeared in the film *Tommaso* alongside Willem Dafoe, directed by Abel Ferrara. She holds a B.A. in Art and Art History from Mount Holyoke College and resides in Rome’s Prati neighborhood with her husband, photographer Mauro Benedetti, and their son Ludovico, who has acted in several feature films.

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