Federico Lacerna
Federico Lacerna begins as a saxophonist. From music he carries out a process of translating musical parameters into signs, relationships between colours, scratches and compositional structures. He investigates their tensive roles through his paintings.
Data and contact details
Federico Lacerna was born in 1985 in Aosta and grew up in the 
Viterbo area. Since childhood he has been passionate about music
with the piano, the transverse flute and the saxophones, at the same
time he dedicates himself to painting and photography. He graduated
as a saxophonist and has a long professional career behind him in
the fields of jazz, research music and electronic music.

From music he carries out a process of translating musical
parameters into signs, relationships between colours, scratches and
compositional structures and investigates their tensive roles
through both abstract and figurative painting.

He currently lives and works in Rome.


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