Trained in the concept of total art, from micro to macro, Osvaldo Tiberti never betrays his poetics, which is always profoundly environmental and fundamentally political, in the highest sense of belonging to the polis, to the community.
Data and contact details

Tiberti Osvaldo Born in Tivoli (1978) and graduated from the Tivoli State Institute of Art in Jewelery and Metal Design. He subsequently completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Decoration section (2001); the II level Specialization at the Academy of Fine Arts of L'Aquila in the School of Sculpture (2005) and finally the II level Specialization qualifying for teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts of L'Aquila (2008). He later obtained several post-graduate diplomas and training courses.


Having worked in various artistic fields, from goldsmithing to sculpture, from painting to intaglio engraving, from design to photography, from mosaic to ceramics, has allowed him to acquire particular versatility in teaching and to obtain complete awareness of the staff ideational and communicative heritage.


Since 2008 he has been a teacher of the Goldsmithing and Setting Course at the School of Ornamental Arts, of the Schools of Arts and Crafts of the Municipality of Rome and of Art and Image at the Secondary School.


Since 2000 he has been part of the group of independent artists, a collective research process called Com.plot S.Y.S.tem, www.complotsystem.org, with participation, among others, in the X and XI Venice Architecture Biennale.


Gold medal in the Youth Competition section for the design and creation of a ring, in “Desideri Preziosi - 2001 Odissea nel…Gioiello”; the design and creation of the “Sculpture-Trophy for Desideri Preziosi 2002” was carried out by the “godmother” of the event, the stylist Laura Biagiotti; selected in the International Competition for a Commemorative Medal, “Memories of Hadrian in Yourcenar's Rome” Hall of the Promoteca of the Municipality of Rome (2003); selected at the VII International Competition, “Glassdressing”, Design Trieste Contemporanea, design and creation of the work “Jewel Built of Glass” (2006); first place for Visual Arts Rome, with the work “Salomè a Skopje” Gruppo Arte Architettura Territorio at the Biennial of Young Artists of Europe and the Mediterranean / Skopje Biennial 2009.


From 2001 to today he has participated in numerous national and international exhibitions in the plurality of expressive languages ​​with works of sculpture, painting, goldsmithing and more.

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