Gabriella Tirincanti
"freedom" is the key word in his life and his artistic path
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Born in Rome in 1943, she tells about herself: "freedom" is the key word in her life and her artistic path. Self-taught, versatile and eclectic, she tries different techniques following an emotional instinct in the choice and use of colors: she paints by transforming her perception from an emotional imagery to a deep and dynamic abstraction. Her artistic growth is a consequence of her participation over the years in many collective and personal exhibitions and the positive and constructive criticism of professionals in the sector: an important stimulus to continue in her art. She has always painted for passion with the aim of stimulating, through the emotions that her works can provoke, that desire for deepening and reflection on the strange madness that they call "Art".

Antonio Sorgente says of her:  "your works are personal...they have their own unique imprint...destined for success. As a connoiser of contemporary  art, i appreciate them beacause they don't need to be recognized, they embody wath we call "Quid Proprium"

Rosario Sprovieri says :" Gabriella's creativity travels through vas realm of immagination. everything become a medium for making art-like signals from space and time. the various shade of blue, evoking memories of the sea, reveal in her work a departure fom real representation, leading to a reconstructed, solid, and never ephemeral susseal dimension".

She has partecipated in numerous group and solo exibitions both in Italy and abroad (Paris, Madrid) one her painting his housed in the Pinacoteca of Gaeta, and some her works are currently displayed in National Museum of Egyptian Civilization of Cairo 

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