Andrea Felice
Artist, Video artist, Architect, University lecturer in Scenography, Editing, Compositing, VFX. Started in the 1980s, first solo exhibition in Rome in 1991, followed by solo and group exhibitions from 1993 to 2024, exhibiting in Europe and worldwide.
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Biography of Andrea Felice

Andrea Felice (1961) is Painter, Video Artist, and Architect.

He began working in 1991 as a painter and video artist with a personal exhibit at the Ariete Gallery and in 1995 he participated in the Exibition Presence Inside - Progetto Europa 95, curated by Forum Interart Roma, in Rome, as well as several group exhibits since 2001 to 2011.  In October 2011, he exhibited at the New Artemisia Gallery in London and he received an award for his work Presenze at Concorso Moroni in Bergamo. In 2012, he was part of the jury for the third edition of Il sapere delle Mani in Nazzano, Rome. In the same year he took part at the twelfth edition of Terra Arte in Irpinia and in Vieste the Mad Vieste Festival. During this period in Rome a big solo exhibition Fantacity at The Quirinale’s Dioscuri Gallery and Cuore che batte su Roma eterna at DAI Studio, sponsored by the Ministry of cultural heritage and activities, Municipality of Rome and of the Order of Architects of Rome. Since November 2012 to April 2013, he did personal exibitions Mondi del Terzo Millennio at Plus Berlin Hotel in Berlin. At the end of the year in Milan, he received an award for Art Criticism in the XXIV edition of the Prize of the Arts Prize of Culture. In 2012 at Mediamuseum in Pescara, he did personal exibitions Fantacity.  In 2013 at the Gallery Space Tadini, he participates in humanitarian assistance for the town of Lampedusa Save My Dream in Milan.  In 2014, he participated in the group exhibition entitled NOW # 4 in Rome. Since November 2015 to May 2016, in the Capital, is among the artists who exhibit at the MACRO via Nizza in Rome, the exhibition EGOSUPEREGOALTEREGO-face and contemporary body art.  In October 2016 exhibits at House of Architecture at the Acquario Romano during the Architetti Artisti Collective. In November 2017, within the ARTISSIMA 2016 event, in Turin, a big solo exhibition A Trip to Fantacity – L’Arte di Essere Felice at the Little Nemo Art Gallery. At the end of the year in Milan, is among the artists who exhibit at the UNCommon, the exhibits Digital Frame and at Rome, interprets together with 32 other visual artists The 33 surnames of God of Marguerite Yourcenar, with the realization of the book given to The Pope Francis, lead by the Center Antinoo for Art - Archives Marguerite Yourcenar. In march 2017 in Rome, exhibits at The Showroom Lo Cascio Arredamenti during the Architetti Artisti Collective. In October 2017 exhibits at RAW Rome Art Week, at his Art Studio Il Pensatoio, conceving one of the 100 events of the event. In november 2017, is among the artists who exhibits at the 100 artists in the Auction-Event at the Bertolami Fine Arts and exhibits at House of Architecture at the Acquario Romano during the Architetti Artisti Collective. Since June to November 2018 in Palermo, he is among the artists who exhibits in the international exhibition Nature is viral - Paradise lost - artists support the green world, during Manifesta 12 biennial European contemporary art traveling at Palazzo Scavuzzo Trigona. In October 2018 exhibits at third edition of RAW Rome Art Week, at his Art Studio Il Pensatoio, conceiving one of the 200 events of the event. In November 2018 exhibits at House of Architecture at the Acquario Romano, during the Architetti Artisti Collective. In February 2019 in Genova, he is among the artists who exhibits in the 15° Modern and Contemporary Art Market Exhibition – Arte Genova 2019. In March 2019 in Genova, at the Gallery SATURA, he participates at Twenty-five years of cultural promotion Collective. Since March to October 2019, he did solo exibitions Il Presente Immaginario at Plus Florence Hotel in Florence. In April 2019 in Milan, is among the artists who exhibit at the Le Ragioni del Presente Collective, event outside the Salone del Mobile - Milan 2019. In June 2019 in Florence, he received an award for Art Painting in the Premium International Florence Seven Stars.  In July 2019 in Rome, is among the artists who exhibit at the third edition of Vissi d’Arte – L’opera Lirica, Gli Artisti, La Scuola, at the cloister of San Salvatore in Lauro. He participated in the fourth edition of RAW Rome Art Week in October 2019, by taking care of one of the 200 performances at his art studio “Il Pensatoio” (the Think Tank). In November of the same year he held an exhibition at the Casa dell'Architettura (House of Architecture) by the Acquario Romano during the course of the collective art exhibition Architetti Artisti Collective. In February 2019 he participated in the 15th Exhibition Market of Contemporary and Modern Art – Genoa Art 2019. In March 2019 he participated in the collective art exhibition Twenty-five years of cultural promotion at the SATURA art gallery in Genoa; in June he participated in the Eighth Competition of Pictorial Art MANINI Prefabricated Free Art in Assisi. From March to October 2019 he also organised his solo exhibition in Florence Il Presente Immaginario (The Imaginary Present) at Plus Florence. In April 2019 participation in the collective art exhibition in Milan within the Salone del Mobile (Milan Furniture Fair 2019) The Reasons of the Present, as an extra event. In June 2019 he received the Premium International Florence Seven Stars prize for painting in Florence. In July 2019 participatation in the third edition Vissi d'Arte – L'opera Lirica, Gli Artisti, La Scuola (I lived of art – opera, artists, school) at San Salvatore in Lauro in Rome; in addition, he is also jury member at the 1st edition of the Contemporary Rome ART 2019 prize – International Contemporary Art Exhibition. In October 2019 participation in the fourth edition of RAW Rome Art Week, by organising one of the 300 events of the art exhibition at the Open Studio Il Pensatoio (the Think Tank). In November 2019 participation at Paratissima – Turin 2019, with the solo exhibition Fantaworld, starting his own production of gadgets with his works. Participation as a jury member in the second edition of the Prize Contemporary Rome ART 2019 – International exhibition of Contemporary Art. In December 2019 participation and receives an award, in the collective art exhibition Satur ARTE 2019 - 24th National Competion of Contemportary Art at the SATURA art gallery in Genoa, at the art studio Andrea Felice Art&Design, with the solo art exhibition Felice Fortunato Natale – Anno Nuovo (Happy Lucky Christmas – New Year). From April 2020 onwards, he has edited a series of online columns of art and communication on design, cinema, architecture, contemporary art, inviting cultural figures, architects, designers, directors, art curators, quantum physics to intervene on his Facebook page andreafeliceartist, in particular Making Art Together, Art Talk and Works to Listen. In October 2020 participation in the fifth edition of RAW Rome Art Week, by organising one of the over 300 events of the art exhibition at the Open Studio Andrea Felice Art & Design, also he realizes the personal Fantacity. The ideal City at the Visconti Castle in Vigevano. In November 2020 he won the Down in the Hole20 video-art award at the Laundromat Art Space and the Doral Contemporary Art Museum in Miami. In January 2021, he participated in the Leonardo and Raphael-the Genius and the Grace event. In February 2021 he participates in the 18th edition of OpenArt 2021 award and is the winner of the second prize for painting. From March 2021 onwards, he edited a series of online art and communication columns on design, cinema, architecture, contemporary art, inviting cultural figures, architects, designers, directors, art curators to take part on his Facebook page andreafeliceartist, in particular Don't Stop Art! In July at the monogramma art gallery in Rome, he also organized his solo exhibition The Divine Comedy of Ideal Art and in September, in Sydney he participated in the collective exhibition OVERSEAS at the AAD art gallery Sydney curated by monogramma contemporary art and in Aquileia at the collective exhibition Vissi d'Arte ... L'opera Lirica, Gli Artisti, La Scuola (I lived of art – opera, artists, school) at the Piccola Pinacoteca. In March 2022 in Dubai, he participates in the World Art Dubai with the monogramma gallery. In June 2022 in Casagiove (CE), he participates in the 1st Biennial of Contemporary Art Libero Arbitrio, participates in the Collective Spoleto Art Festival as part of the Festival of two worlds and receives the prize for painting on the originality of the technique in as part of the Festival of two worlds, at Palazzo Rospigliosi in Zagarolo (RM) he participates in the collective Frammenti. In September 2022, in New York, he participated in the collective Affordable Art Fair - New York Exhibitor Manual and in Vicenza he participated in the collective Art and Architecture between Nature and Artifice as part of the 12th edition of Dedalo Minosse 2021/2022. In December he participates in the collective Parafrasi at Palazzo Rospigliosi in Zagarolo curated by Francesco Zero. In January 2023 he participates in the collective Art in showcase at Wellcome in Frascati (RM); in March he participates in New York in the collective Affordable Art Fair - New York Exhibitor Manual - New York; in June at the BIG Santa Marta space in Milan he created the personal exibition Andrea Felice – City Screens Atemporal territories of memory and in July in Arzachena (SS) he took part in the Acqua – Origine & Vita collective at the Church of S. Giovanni Battista Cannigione, in September he took part in New York at the collective Affordable Art Fair - New York Exhibitor Manual; In October 2023 he participates in the XIV Florence Biennale entitled I AM YOU, in which he received recognition for the use of Metaverse technologies in contemporary art with the work Silent Invaders. In December the Mondadori volume Universi Paralleli is published, a biography on the artist edited by Fortunato D'Amico. In 2024, in January he was invited to the Ferrini school in Verbania for a Lectio Magistralis on his art, in July the volume “Universi Paralleli” was presented in the Spadolini room of the Ministry of Culture, in September he participated in the collective “On Tour…Cannes” in Cannes ” curated by Marina Volpi of the Merlino Gallery, in Spoleto she receives the literary prize at the Menotti Art Festival Spoleto for the volume “Universi Paralleli”, in October in Rome, curated by Simona Micheli, personal exhibition “Atemporal dream visions” at the AGORART association, in December in London she participates in the collective “On Tour…London” at The Crypt Gallery, curated by Marina Volpi.



Architect (1961), professor of Cinematographic Productions with Animation and SFX for the New Media Science Department at Tor Vergata University in Rome and Cinematographic Set Design for the master’s degree course in Architecture – Interiors and Furnishings at La Sapienza University in Rome. In the past he also taught Editing and Compositing at Roma2 University, Set Design Techniques, Interiors Laboratory III, Elements of Interior Architecture, Designing Prototypes and Simulation and Digital Models and Representations at the “La Sapienza” University Architecture Faculty in Rome and at Federico II University (A.R.P.A.) in Naples. He works in the areas of participatory design, layout, interior design and multimedia systems together with his design firm associates. He holds courses and meetings on comics and animated films and he is an expert on Disney animation from 1928 to 1941. From 1999 to 2000 he served on the board of Immagine, the cultural association that organised Lucca Comics and Expocartoon. For Jubilee year in 2000, he designed the new line of professional Razor speakers for Bose S.p.a for the audio systems at St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, the Church of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence and the Cathedral in Catania. He designed the stand layout for Massimo Fazzino at the Italian pavilion for the Sixth Biennial of Architecture in Venice (1996) and he exhibited Cinematographic Set Design works at the Twelfth Biennial of Architecture in Venice (2010). He writes articles for magazines about graphic design, cinema, architecture, design and communications including Computer Grafica, Progettare and OFX. At the end of the 2014 in Milan, he received an award for Architecture in the XXV edition of the Prize of the Arts Prize of Culture for the renovation of the Sonnino Factory in Rome.

"Andrea Felice Art & Design" via di Casal Bruciato n. 11 - 00159 Roma

Tel 06/97843119 cell. 320/6653072




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