The Mission of Art Exhibition Link
Art Exhibition Link is a no-profit Art Organization founded in 2004 in Chicago by Art Historian Barbara Goebels-Cattaneo.
In her own gallery space in the Fine Arts Building Gallery UNO, Barbara Goebels-Cattaneo showed in a monthly turnus works by artists from the School of the Art Institute, Chicago and works by young visiting international artists
In 2012 Barbara Goebels-Cattaneo moved her activity to Berlin and founded the Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin. The exhibition space is located in Berlin-Neukölln, an area that developed a particular dynamic in the Berlin art scene during the last years. Since 2013 Gallery UNO Projektraum is an active part of the development of the art scene in Berlin- Neukölln by organizing international and local exhibitions.
The Gallery participates since 2013 officially in the 48 Std. Art Festival Neukölln by introducing established international artists who create stunning art works for the the annual Festival Theme. Furthermore Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin is a member of the 18 Art Spaces of Berlin-Neukölln dedicated to building up and developing the cultural scene in the area of Neukölln.
Gallery UNO Projektraum Berlin is not market orientated, but has links with public and commercial exhibition spaces where qualified artists can show their work. Furthermore, interested artists have the possibility to participate in young international Art Fairs the gallery is in contact with. The focal point of the exhibitions curated by Barbara Goebels-Cattaneo is the exchange between the art scene Chicago -Berlin as well as the dialogue between young international artists in general. The aim of these initiatives is to put contemporary art into the widest field possible and most of all to give contemporary artists, who are not part of the mechanism of the art market, a possibility to show their work.
In October 2018, in time for the Art Week Rome, opens the new Artists Studio in the Centro Storico of Rome sponsored by Artexhibitionlink.
The Artspace, located in the private library of a 17th century house in the center of Rome (Vatican area), will host exhibitions by local and international artists as well as cultural events. There is the possibility for artists to stay in a small Art Exhibition Link residence in the same building and in another equally ancient house in the Roman countryside, 50 minutes from Rome.
On the occasion of the Rome Art Week , the hall will host an exhibition with works by the artists of the Gallery UNO in Berlin and artists based in Rome.
Cover photo: "4windows”, virtual installation on the facade of the Art Exhibition Link – Artists Studio Rome headquarters in Borgo Pio 125 (installazioni virtuali, reali, performative, sonore di Paola Romoli Venturi, Francesca Fini, Laura Mega, María Ángeles Vila Tortosa, per ‘IPER il Festival delle Periferie’ di Giorgio de Finis, 2021)