Gallerja first opened in February 2007 in the heart of Rome’s Reinassance quarter. This eclectic and multifaceted space maintains an underlying continuity and coherence in pursuing simplicity and elegance. Taste and intent are exemplified by a costant focus on both Italian and international leading figures of contemporary art. Gallerja reads aesthetic contemplation as a driving force for theoretical and poetic thought, electing Beauty as prime mover of all Senses.
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Gallerja first opened in February 2007 in the heart of Rome’s Reinassance quarter. This eclectic and multifaceted space maintains an underlying continuity and coherence in pursuing simplicity and elegance. Taste and intents are exemplified by a costant focus on both Italian and international leading figures of contemporary art. Gallerja reads aesthetic contemplation as driving force for theoretical and poetic thought, electing Beauty as prime mover of all Senses.  

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