Ervin Hervè-Loranth
Dati e contatti


2014                 Evidence of the sulpture and space – performance2010                Hervé Guide Book Resto –guide book for Budapest2009                 Kókler Bt. – book, literature2008                 90.9 Jazzy Rádió / radio talk show 2005                 Cultur column - Magyar Hírlap2005                 Doggy Bag II. – design-gastrobook2004                 Doggy Bag I. – design-gastrobook2003                 Flyerz – design column – critics2001                 Lakhatás – interior design text book


2017                “UrbsArt 2017 ” /  street art /

                         Roma- Accademia d’Ungheria,  Italia

                        “Adami – Fürjesi - Hervé ” / sculpture /

                         Roma, Accademia d’Ungheria , Italia


2016                “About:Blank ” /  sculpture /

                         Roma - MACRO,  Italia

                        “MISERICORDIA ” / gigant letters sculpture /

                         Roma, Castel Sant’ Angelo , Italia


2015                “Ripped UP ” / gigant sculpture /

                          Nyizsnyíj Novgorod,  Russia

                        “Ripost ” / gigant sculpture /

                         Budapest,  Széchenyi Square 


                         “Yeniden Boyanmis Hakikat 2.0” – paintings /


2014                 “Ripped UP ” / gigant sculpture /

                          Budapest,  Széchenyi Square 

                          Ulm / Germany/ - Donnau Riverside

                         “Volt Sopron Festival” - letter  Installáció

                          GiantRobot sculpture installation / Sopron

                         “Balaton Sound” – letterland , flowerpark / Zamárdi

                         “Sziget Freedom”–flowerpark,Installations    


                         “BeMy Lake” – Giant Dwarf sculptures  / B.Aliga

2014                 “Novaja Realita 2.0” –paintings

                          Balassi Institute / Moscau

2014                 “L’Age Heroique” – Memories of the I. War

                         Colegium Hungaricum Berlin

2014                 Repainted Reallity 2.0 - paintings

                         Balassi Institute / Brüsszel

2014                 Neugemalte  Wirklichkeit 2.0 – paintings

                         Hungarian Embassy  / Wien

2013                 Neugemalte  Wirklichkeit 2.0 – paintings

                         Hungarian Embassy / Berlin

2013                 Reálta Ridipinda – paintings

                         Hungarian Academy in Rome – Roma

2013                 Parallel Directives – paintings

                         B55 Gallery - Budapest

2013                 Reálta Ridipinda – painting, sculptures

                         Galleria dei Raggi / Roma – Capena

2013                 Dolce far niente – sculpture

                         SalGrotta / Roma—Capena 

2012                 Corpus Humanicus – sculptures

                         Code Decode / Budapest

2012                 Újrafestett valóság – group performance, paintings

                         Hungarian National Gallery / Budapest

2011                 “Visszakézből” – alternative politics performance2011                “ Fabrik-a” – Fabrik Art Bar – group performance, 

                          paintings, sculptures

                         “Hervé’s ZOO” – outdoor sculptures  / Budapest, 2010                 Őszi Szalon – group paintings performance /  

                                                 Budapest2010                 Hervé Galéria – performance, paintings / Budapest2009                 Töredékek - paintings / Budapest2009                 Ambivalencia – paintings / Budapest2008                 Chanson by hervé - paintings – szoborkiállítás2007                 NEO CHINA– paintings / N8 gallery2007                 Jazzy- Hervé–installation performance/ Műcsarnok

                          Hungarian Art gallery in Budapest2006                  Jewellery of the World Symposium – jewellery

                          design / Hong kong 2004                  ÁTHALLÁS – group performance / Matáv  Budapest2003                  BELÁTÁS – outdoor paintings performance / Budapest                          San Remo -Bussana –– paintings2002-2003         Cascade – paintings / Budapest2000                  Kettős Látás –group paintings performance / Budakalász

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