Angelo Savarese
Dati e contatti

L’arte nella vita di Angelo Savarese è da sempre passione e cerca di emergere sin dalla sua giovane età; già fanciullo, dipinge ispirandosi ai grandi artisti.

Savarese nasce a Napoli nel 1967 e dopo qualche anno si trasferisce a Roma, ma sembra avere ereditato dalla sua città natale le curiosità delle cose del mondo, quindi la genetica del suo passato lo proietta nel suo futuro romano. A Roma cresce, si forma, inizia il suo percorso artistico ed è qui che vive e lavora. Savarese, un attento osservatore e uomo dai grandi valori, ha trovato il modo di esprimersi con una tecnica artistica tutta sua. Uomo dalle poche parole, sembrerebbe, in realtà le parole confluiscono nella sua mente in modo armonioso e sono quelle che lui riversa sulla tela diventando queste il fondo stesso, dove poi dialoga con colori posti irregolarmente, astrattamente e abilmente.

Le opere di Savarese appaiono quindi un mix di precisione e disordine, laddove la precisione delle lettere scritte con una calligrafia a rilievo definita con tecnica ed elementi vari, creano un secondo strato sulla tela e diventano il  messaggio inequivocabile dell’opera stessa, mentre l’informalità si riflette con la combinazione dei colori posti o “buttati” sulla tela in modo informale e materico come tocco finale.  Il risultato....un’arte che racconta.

Da sempre Savarese vuole raccontare, vuole fermare l’attimo, vuole onorare le parole sue come di altri, vuole far parte del mondo, vuole dialogare con il suo “io” curioso.

Il futuro dell’artista lo vede impegnato in progetti d’arte piuttosto che creare la singola opera. Sempre attento a temi di stampo sociale egli usa la sua arte con un nuovo indirizzo, creare dei progetti a tema che raggruppano varie opere similari nell’ambito del progetto stesso, ognuna con un suo messaggio e valore  intrinseco.

Flags è un progetto che l’artista porta avanti da vari anni con l’obiettivo di realizzare tutte le bandiere del mondo in stile “Savarese”, quindi la voglia di unirlo attraverso l’arte, intesa come veicolo di pace.

Mannequin, un altro recente progetto legato a temi quali la solitudine, la repressione, la tristezza, la sofferenza  dell’uomo contemporaneo porta Savarese a dialogare con dei manichini ai quali egli dona un imprinting di parole, materia e colori, nel tentativo di umanizzarli: un chiaro grido di aiuto per salvare le nuove generazioni dai pericoli di questo mondo così falsamente globalizzato, tecnologico e “wifi”!


2018 - May, Amatrice, Urban installation for New Amatrice Playground (built after earthquake), "play to come back to life".

2018 - April, Milan, Vs Arte Gallery, exhibition of artwork "Ecuador" (Flags Progect).

2017 - November, Rome, The Carabinieri Corps Museum, Solo exhibition "Flags & Fiep".

2017 - October, Rome, Rome Art Week, "Mannequin" Solo Exhibition at Pavart Gallery

2017 - Rome, January, Embassy of India, exhibition of "India" art work at"World Hindi Day".

2016 - Rome, October, Pavart Gallery - Contemporary Day, "Meet the artist Angelo Savarese at Rome Art Week"

2016 - Rome, September, Space Coworking Garbatella, solo photo exhibition "Memory Shots - Rwanda 1994/2014.

2016 - Rome, May, Officer School of Carabinieri, donation of the work "Article 9".

2016 - Rome, April, European University of Rome, presentation of the project "España" - Flags project.

2015 - Roma, January, Palazzo Ferraioli, Day of Cultural Diplomacy, exhibition of "Article 9" and "United Nations, Article 27".

2014 - Rome, October, Rome Museum in Trastevere, photo exhibition "Memorable Shots - Rwanda 1994/2014, from 8 October 2014 to 11 January 2015.

2014 - Rome, December, Protomoteca Hall in Campidoglio," Rome International Capital " , exhibition of "United Nations, Article 27".

2014 - Rome, June, Pavart Gallery, solo art exhibition "Provocazioni".

2013 - Rome, October, Casanatense Library, exhibition of "Article 9". 2013 - Rome, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Cruise Room, exhibition dedicated to the United Nations "Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights".

2012 - Rome, Palazzo Ferraioli, presentation of serigraph of the work Article 9, printed in 100 authenticated copies.

2012 - Rome, Rome University of Wisdom, exhibition of " Article 9".

2012 - Rome, European University of Rome, exhibition of "Article 9" .

2011 - Rome, Vallicelliana Library, celebrations of the 150th anniversary of the Union of Italy, exhibition of "Article 9" .

2011 - Rome, Grand Theater of the National Academy of Dance, exhibition of "Article 9" .

2011 - Rome, Galleria Il Tempo ritrovato, prize of the XII Edition of the "Mnemosine Prize".

2011 - Rome, Casanatense Library, exhibition of "Article 9" .

2011 - Rome, Arteque via Giulia. 2011 - Rome, Central National Library, "Notes ... and ... Rime for Aloysius Lilius".

2010 - Catania, Gallery and Cultural Center "The Arts".

2010 - Rome, Modern cinema The Space, exhibition of Artwork "in Cinema".

2010 - Rome, Tiberina Island, The Island of Cinema, exhibition of Artwork "in Cinema".

2010 - Frascati (Rome), Alchimie Bio Art, cartoon show.

2010 - Marzi (Cosenza), Colacino Wines, Oscar Award celebration of the Avatar film.

2010 - Rome, Documentation Center of Contemporary Artistic Search Luigi di Sarro.

2008 - Roma, Akab.


2017 - Rome, Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Tourism, Sala Giovanni Spadolini, exhibition dedicated to the United Nations "Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and the the Italian flag "Article 9", on the occasion of the third edition of the "Women between Memories and Future" Literary Prize.

2016 - October, Rome, Pavart Gallery - Top 5, Contemporary Day - XII edition, AMACI.

2016 - May, Rome, E-Campus University, "Comparisons of Art", collective with contemporary artists: Julianos Kattinis, Antonio Fiore, Giovanni Crescimanni and Adeckno.

2015 - July, Rome, Museum of Vittoriano, event sponsored by the Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique, exhibition of the work "Moçambique" dedicated to the African country, on display also works by Bertina Lopes, Malangatana Valente Ngwenya and Miquel Rodríguez.

2015 - June, Dalian (China), Polytechnic University Art and Design, participation in the exhibition of the artistic project on the history of Cinema "The Art in Cinema".

2013 - July, Rome, Basilica of San Lorenzo, exhibition of the pictorial work "Bombardamento su Roma", inspired by the diary of Father Michelangelo from Chivasso, witness of the bombing.

2012 - Mogliano Veneto (Treviso), The Way of Art, donation of the pictorial work "Patriota" realized on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, inspired and dedicated to Giuseppe Boldini, famous Venetian painter of the nineteenth century, patriot and first Mayor of Mogliano Veneto.

2011 - Rome, Art Show "The Courage" gallery "The time has come again".

2011 - Istanbul (Turkey), 21st International Contemporary Art Fair, "Picture Italy".

2011 - Turin, Palazzo Barolo, "Torino Arte 150".

2011 - Rome, Galleria The time recovered, "Dignity", photographic exhibition.


2016 - August, "#Natura" (scientific magazine of the Forestry State Corps), service and interview on the artwork "Article 9" Flags project.

2016 - June, "The Carabiniere" (institutional magazine of the Carabinieri), service on "Article 9" Flags project.

2016 - May, "L’Espresso" journalistic service on the photo exhibition "Memory Shots - Rwanda 1994/2014.

2016 - May, "La Stampa" service on the photographic exhibition "Memory Shots - Rwanda 1994/2014.

2015 - November, Channel 5 TG5, service on the photographic exhibition "Memory Shots - Rwanda 1994/2014, from 8 October 2014 to January 11, 2015, at the Rome Museum in Trastevere.

2015 - January, Rai Radio 3, "Men and Prophets" radio broadcast, an interview with Prof. Alessandro Triulzi and Marie Claire Safari, in-depth on the photo exhibition "Memory Shots: Rwanda 1994/2014.

2015 - January, TV interview on Aracne Web TV. 2014 - October, Palombi Publisher, Book of the Photo Exhibition "Memory Shots - Rwanda 1994/2014 at the Rome Museum in Trastevere.

2012 - Progress in Neuroscience, publication on the cover of the work dedicated to the Italian Constitution Article 9, .

2011 - -

2011 - CU.SP.I.D.E Magazine -

2011 - June, Free World, Astrology Simple and Fun.

2011 - May, Torino art 150, contemporary art exhibition at Palazzo Barolo.

2011 - February, The Art Journal. Contemporary art report, artists and quotes.

2011 - February, Target Magazine.

2011 - February, Arte Mondadori, Art Proposals.

2011 - February, Notes ... and ... Rime for Aloysius Lilius, publication by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

2011 - January, Understanding Art, Schools, Movements, Artists of European Importance, Edition The Square, The Museum at Home.

2010 - July, RAI TG3 Region. Summer nights, event calendar and exhibitions in Rome.

2010 - March, Art and Rome.



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