Manuela Vannozzi
Dati e contatti

Manuela Vannozzi

Indipendent curator

Summary: A team player, reliable, enthusiastic, and creative, who has an engaging personality and excellent communication and interpersonal skills used to efficiently interact with people from different backgrounds. Accomplished art curator and event manager, project and people leader with strong experience in historical and contemporary art as well as in administration, project management, customer and government relation and fund raising.



March 2016 - Diploma Project Management ISO 21500

Italian Institute of Project Management, Via Antonio Gallonio 18, Rome, IT ISIPM (Italian Institute of Project Management)


December 2005 University of Tor Vergata

Bachelor’s Degree - Humanistic Studies, Department ”Contemporary art” .



Senate of the Republic - Graduate Merit Award (Borsa di studio al merito) Rome-Italy - 2007




Artist: Hannu Paoluo

Art Curator: Manuela Vannozzi

Location: Roman houses at the Caelian Hills (Archaelogical site)

* The Hannu Palosuo’s Site Specific - Solo Show will be arranged in the rooms of the hypogeum structure of the Caelian Roman Houses close the Colosseum.


Patronage: Finnish Embassy of Rome - Fondo Edifici di Culto (Ministry of Internal Affairs) 

Direct link:



Location: Roman houses at the Caelian Hills (Archaelogical site)

*The Roman houses at the Caelian hills aims to recreate a contemporary and conceptual artwork through site specific installation.

Art Curator/Event planner: Manuela Vannozzi - Texts: Manuela Vannozzi and Arianna Bruno ( Archaelogist from UK - Manchester)

Artist: Luigi Athos De Blasio (Painter)

Patronage: Fondo Edifici di Culto (Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Direct link:


- University eCampus of Rome:


Art Curator: Manuela Vannozzi

Artists: Sergio Angeli, Corrado Delfini e Pietro Zucca Opening 21 October - 28 November 2015



Artists: Bruno Aller, Salvatore Dominelli, Tancredi Fornasetti, Eliseo Sonnino, Tatsuo Uemon Ikeda

Texts:Achille Pace and Manuela Vannozzi / Conference: prof. Michele Cossyro

Opening 20 February – 31 March 2015



SHOCK ONESHOT - Patronage of the Municipality District of Rome

November 2014 – Via delle Camene, Rome



Art exhibition - Opening of three exhibition spaces and cultural exchange among the artists of Rome and Trieste - Art Curator/Event planner: Manuela Vannozzi

Exhibition spaces: Atelier Martoriati - Via Cecilia De Rittmeyer 4 / a – Lux Art Gallery

Via Cecilia De Rittmeyer 7 / b, Trieste – La Vetrina Gallery Via Udine 2 / 2a, Trieste Opening 7 June - 7 July 2014 * References are available on request


- Academy of Romania in Rome

Art exhibition IN SIMBIOSI - Cultural exchange with the Romanian artists ( Art scholarship) 

November 2013 - Piazza Josè De San Martin 1, Rome

Direct link:





Gune 2017 Art Curator, University eCampus of Rome, Via Matera 18, Rome, IT,

Sept 2015 TV presenter for the Gallery "The Collector", All the art critics were broadcast on Arte 24-Rete Oro (Italian cannel)

Oct 2009 Tourist Guide “Legambiente” for “Salvalarte” (Save the art) “Save the art” project for disabled and normal people is to rediscover the Roman archaeological sites, e.g., Auditorium di Mecenate, Mitreo al Circo Massimo, Sepolcri di Via Statilia, and Cisterne di Traiano in Rome

Legambiente Lazio, Via Firenze 43, Rome, Italy

 Administrative Assistant Ministry of Heritage and Cultural Activities (Dept. of Contemporary Art “DARC” and Dep. of Historical, Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Activities “PSAE”) - Via di S.Michele in Ripa – Rome

 Main duties:

Making and fielding phone calls, writing and sending emails, attending social functions, updating database and administrative skills

Selected Pubblications:


Catalogue “Affordable Art Fair” - HQ Mario Giusti Gallery, Milano – Critical text of the artist Tancredi Fornasetti – March 2016

Catalogue “Tex d’autore” XIII Mostra Nazionale Fumetto e Arte, Tiferno Comics - Critical text and biography of the artists: Tancredi Fornasetti and Hackatao – October 2015

Catalogue “Un Mosaico per Tornareccio” - July 2015

MDC – Mecenati del contemporaneo – Biography of the artist Tancredi Fornasetti, Marzo 2014

      Catalogue "Portraits d'Artistes" – Critical text of the artist Emilio Farina - 2012


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