Contact details:
Name: Giuseppe Ussani d’Escobar
Address: Viale Angelico, 45 – 00195 Rome – Italy
Mobile: +39 334 240 6735
Email address:;;
Native Italian speaker; fluent in Spanish and English; reads Latin and classical Greek.
Key experience:
Extensive experience as a cultural advisor to and collaborator with foreign embassies and institutions, including:
acting as a cultural attaché within foreign embassies in Italy.
advising foreign ambassadors in Italy in connexion with matters of culture, cross-cultural communication, aspects of diplomatic relations and politics.
collaborating with foreign cultural institutions in connexion with the preparation of conferences, educational programmes and exhibitions.
Extensive experience as a curator, art events organiser and art critic, with a proven capacity:
to manage small and large scale public and private art exhibitions from ancient to modern art in a variety of mediums.
to conceive of and to implement innovative exhibition concepts and associated educational programmes.
to development and to maintain key stakeholder relationships including with artists, public and private donors, institutional investors, municipal and national governments, foreign embassies and the media.
to raise funds for exhibitions and to manage all aspects of exhibition financing and general administration.
to appraise and to introduce exhibitions, including planning and writing exhibition catalogues, media releases and promotional material.
A deep understanding of cross-cultural sensitivities, in particular those concerning cultural relations between Italy, on the one hand, and, Pakistan, Guatemala, Spain and Australia, on the other.
University – Libera Università Maria Ss. Assunta University: degree in Languages and Foreign Literature, majoring in Spanish literature with a thesis on the theatre of Lope de Vega.
High School – Istituto Villa Flaminia, Rome, Italy.
Institutional posts held:
2001-2003 Pakistan Embassy, Rome, Italy – cultural attaché in charge of public relations; ex officio advisor to the Pakistani Ambassador.
Sept-Oct 2001 Guatemalan Embassy, Rome, Italy – cultural attaché duties.
Major critical collaboration:
2006-2011 Significant critical collaboration with the (late) world-renowned scholar and Caravaggio expert, Maurizio Marini, who acted as a mentor in the analysis and consideration of the artistic and technical aspects of great master works and, in particular, those of Caravaggio, Velázquez and Ribera.
Selected media interviews:
February 13th Italy: Interview on RAI Tg3 Lazio regarding the solo exhibition “La Vie en Rose – Ugolina Ravera” 31 January – 1 March 2016, Le Carré Français, Roma
January Australia: Interview on SBS Radio (Italian) regarding the solo exhibition “La Vie en Rose – Ugolina Ravera” 31 January – 1 March 2016, Le Carré Français, Roma
2015: Australia: interview on SBS Radio (Italian) regarding the Exhibition “Roots for the Future” 1 July – 31 July 2015, Banca Popolare di Milano, Milano (
2014 Australia: interview with Giudo Belgiorno-Nettis, president of the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney.
2013: Australia: interview on SBS Radio (Italian) regarding Australian art (
2005-2010: Italy, Spain & Cuba: various radio and television interviews in connexion with
Italian, Spanish and Latin American art.
Selected curatorial history:
12 May – 12 July: Curator and Organizer of the solo exhibition of Cristina Moglia “Danzando con lo Spirito del Mondo” at Quintessenza Caffè Gourmet, Via Sabotino13 – Roma.
15 April – 15 June: Curator and Organizer of the solo exhibition of the Mexican artist Luis Alberto Alvarez Solis “ Lo Sciamano sulle orme di Quetazalcoatl” at Gal Effe (galleria d’arte), Via Velletri 54/56 – Roma, with the Patronage of the Mexican Embassy in Italy.
16 November – Curator of the installation of the painting “A glance through the war” realized by the artist Natali Ferrary at the Auditorium of via della Conciliazione in Rome – Città del Vaticano with the occasion of the Concert for the Peace “Insieme” organized by the Ulma Family Foundation SOAR and by the Polish Embassy in Italy, with the support of Papaboys and of the Company Think Tank Lab of Rome.
8 October – 14 December: Curator and Organizer of the solo exhibition of the French artist Philippe Seigle “il Pop artist tropicale dalle mille maschere” at Quintessenza Caffè Gourmet, Via Sabotino 13 – Roma, with the Patronage of the French Embassy in Italy;
20 September – Curator of the solo exhibition of Luca Incatasciato “Cuori Vincenti – Luca is back from NY” at the Studio of the artist Fabrizio Di Nardo, Via degli Zingari 39, Rione Monti, Roma
29 June – Curator of the installation of the triptych “On the wings of Justice” painted by the artist Natali Ferrary at the Juvenile Court of Naples and donated by the Alma Mundi Association to this high Institution of the Italian State in the presence of Dr. Giancarlo Posteraro Vicar President of the important Court.
30 April – 24 June: Curator and Organizer of the solo exhibition of the Ukrainian artist Natali Ferrary “War & Love” at Quintessenza Caffè Gourmet, Via Sabotino, 13 – Roma, with the participation at the inauguration of the Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of Ukraine in Italy;
26 March – 26 April: Curator and Organizer of the solo exhibition of the Algerian artist Saida Bensemmane “Arabesque” at Quintessenza Caffè Gourmet, Via Sabotino, 13 – Roma, with the Patronage of Rome Accueil;
15 January 2021 – 31 March 2022: Curator of the solo exhibition “One (Once) upon a time: sulle ali dell’ippogrifo – Ida Saitta” at eht, Largo di Torre Argentina 11, Roma;
27 October – 18 November: Curator and Organizer with the occasion of the RAW (Rome Art Week) of the solo exhibition “Countdown EVAKILLERDOG Landing – with a performance by Piero Eufemi – De Profundis Khasha Zwan” at Arte & Oro (studio of the artist) and at Latte Più House, Roma; with the participation of CISDA (Coordinamento Italiano Sostegno Donne Afghane Onlus);
2 – 12 October: Curator and Organizer of the solo exhibition “Karima Laraba – Il respiro della vita / La maschera e il vortice” at the Galleria Angelica of Bibliotheca Angelica, Roma;
12 July – 30 November: Curator of the solo exhibition “Ida Saitta - La Rinascita dei Paladini” at the hospital for children of Palermo (Sicily) supported by Foundation Terzo Pilastro – Internazionale and organized by Mediterraneum with the Patronage of the Municipality of Palermo.
6 – 22 April: Curator and Organizer of the solo exhibition “Gerhard Schwarz – Utopia di un viaggio con Goethe” at the Museum Venanzo Crocetti, Rome, with the Patronage of the Embassy of Germany in Italy, of the Iranian Cultural Institute of Rome, of the Regione Lazio and of UCOII (Unione delle Comunità Islamiche d’Italia);
6 – 22 December: Curator of the solo exhibition “Lorenzo Locatelli – Emotions Vibrations” at the Virus Art Gallery, Rome;
2 March – 26 March: Curator and Co-organizer with the Embassy of Algeria in Italy of the group exhibition “Algeria Terra Infinita – Nomadismo di Pensiero e di Cuore” at Castel dell’Ovo, Municipality of Naples, Naples;
11 November – 9 December: Curator of the solo exhibition “The Stuff of Dreams – Jonathan Hynd” at the Hyunnart Studio, Rome, with the Patronage of the British Council and of the Università degli Studi Roma Tre;
13 September – 20 September: Curator and Organizer of the solo exhibition “Boneyard – Francesca Beatrice Borri” at the Galleria Angelica, Rome, with the Patronage of the Ministery of Culture and Tourism of Italy and of Biblioteca Angelica;
3 March – 31 March: Curator and Co-organizer of the solo exhibition “Exodus – Jan Michalak – guest painting by Antoni Michalak” at the Italian Cultural Institute of Warsaw, Poland;
25 February – 1 April: Curator and Co-organizer with the Embassy of Algeria in Italy of the solo antological exhibition “I Giardini del Paradiso – Abdelkader Houamel” at the PAN (Palazzo delle Arti) Municipality of Naples, Naples;
11 November – 6 december: Curator and Co-organizer of the solo exhibition “Per Aspera ad Astra – Andrea Frosolini” at the Italian Cultural Institute of Koln, Germany;
16 July – 16 August: Curator of the solo exhibition “Panta Rei – Jan Michalak” at Dom Michalakow in Ulica Nadrzeczna 24, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland;
31 January – 1 March: Curator and Organiser via Sphaerica of the solo exhibition “La Vie en Rose – Ugolina Ravera” at the French Bistro Le Carré Français, in Via Vittoria Colonna, 30; Roma
11 July – 1 November: Curator of the solo exhibition “Per Aspera ad Astra – Andrea Frosolini” at Lo Studio Sabine Uhdris, Budingen (Frankfurt);
1 July – 31 July: Curator and organiser via Sphaerica of the exhibition “Roots for the Future” at Banca Popolare di Milano, Piazza Meda, 4; Milano
6 May – 27 June: Curator and Project Manager of the group exhibition “Just Young” at Libreria Spagnola (The Spanish Library), Piazza Navona, 90; Roma
8 May – 6 June: Curator and Project Manager of the group exhibition “Tag Just Young TAG” at Tevere Art Gallery (TAG) Via di Santa Passera, 25; Roma
23 October – 23 January 2015: Curator and Project Manager of the group exhibition “The Light of Prometheus – Paradise Lost Paradise Regained by Milton” at Porta Mazzini, Piazza Monte Grappa, 1; Associazione Culturale Plus Arte Puls; Roma
18 September: Curator and Project Manager of the art event “Just a Moment Please” at Terrazze del Palazzo dei Congressi, EUR, Roma
10 September – 12 October: Curator and organiser via Sphaerica of the solo exhibition “Life Bubble – Caterina Vitellozzi” at Cortile del Vignola in Piazza Navona, 45; Stadio di Domiziano Piazza Navona; Roma
2 July – 3 August: Curator and organiser via Sphaerica of the exhibition “Border Line Classic Contemporary – Ugo Ferrero and Alberto Parres” at Cortile del Vignola in Piazza Navona, 45; Stadio di Domiziano Piazza Navona; Roma.
1 June-2 July: Curator and organiser via Sphaerica (an art events company whose president and founder is Ussani d’Escobar) of the exhibition “Homage to Maria Callas by Nikos Floros” at Teatro Comunale Bologna on the occasion of its 250th anniversary. (Catalogue Edition Sphaerica.)
December: Curator of the group exhibition “Cartacanta” including the artists Jean Fautrier, Marc Tobey and Ralf Winkler (aka A.R. Penck). (Catalogue Edition Diagonale/ Libreria.)
September – Curator of an exhibition organised by Embassy of Chile in Italy, “Valparaiso – Napoli” (Chilean artists Loro Coiron – Gonzalo Ilabaca) at Castel dell’Ovo Napoli (catalogue Edition Sphaerica).
September – Curator of the solo exhibition organised by Embassy of Chile in Italy, “Gente de Chile” (People of Chile), by Chilean photographer Pablo Godoy at Castel dell’Ovo Napoli (catalogue Edition Sphaerica).
12 June-15 July – Curator and organiser with Instituto Cervantes of Rome of the solo exhibition “I Sogni di Don Chisciotte” (Don Quixote’s Dreams) by Italian artist Ugo Ferrero at the Instituto Cervantes Rome (catalogue Edition Sphaerica).
15 June-6 July – Curator and organiser of the solo exhibition “La Saggezza del Raku” (The Wisdom of the Raku) by Italian artist Ugo Ferrero at the Sala Santa Rita Institutional Space of the Municipality of Rome, Rome (catalogue Edition Sphaerica)
25 May-21 June – Curator of the solo exhibition “Bestiario Notturno” (Animals in the night) by Italian artist Ugo Ferrero at Hybrida gallery Rome (catalogue edition Hybrida).
15 March-20 May – Curator and organiser of “Habana Up”, a group exhibition by young Cuban contemporary artists, the first of its kind in Italy in collaboration with the Rome Cervantes Institute (catalogue – Editions Sphaerica).
26 March-27 April – curator of the solo exhibition “Faces”, by Dutch artist Annie Schoterman, at the Diagonale bookstore and, simultaneously (30 March-13 April) curator of a second solo exhibition by Annie Schoterman, “Where are you from? Where are we going? Part II” (a single catalogue – Edition Diagonale/Bookstore – covered both exhibitions) in collaboration with the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome and with the Patronage of the Netherlands Embassy in Rome, Italy.
26 January-27 February – co-curator with Achille Bonito Oliva of a solo exhibition by Li Xiangyang entitled “Li Xiangyang” (catalogue - Diagonale/galleria 2012, Rome).
23 March-12 June – organiser and co-promotor of “Il Guercino ritrovato Quando Amore ferma la Guerra” (Guercino Re-discovered: When Love Stops War), in Rome’s Sant’Angelo Castle Museum; and author of a catalogue essay, alongside leading Caravaggio expert Maurizio Marini (catalogue - De Luca Editori d’Arte 2011, Rome).
October – curator of “Amore e Psiche” (Love and Psyche), a sculpture installation by artist Ugo Ferrero included in the prestigious 2010 edition of the Verona Fair, “Abitare il Tempo” (Inhabiting Time).
6 August- 5 September – curator of “Trasferimenti” (Transfers), a solo exhibition by Mirko Pagliacci in the prestigious Palazzo della Corgna, Città della Pieve, Perugia (catalogue - Città della Pieve city council 2010).
4 March- 5 April – curator of “Le Pleiadi” (The Pleiad), a solo exhibition by Vettor Pisani in Rome’s Horti Lamiani Bettivò gallery (catalogue – Editions Sphaerica 2010, Rome).
18 December 2009-15 January 2010 – organiser and curator of a solo exhibition by Iginio Iurilli in Rome’s San Michele a Ripa Monumental Complex (catalogue - Arti Grafiche Boccia 2009, Salerno).
December 2009: In collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes, organisation of the International Festival of Abstract Cinema (with entrants from 12 countries), which was realised simultaneously in Rome, New York and Cairo.
20 May-26 June – organiser of “Whispers”, a photo exhibition by artist Paul Harbutt in the Rome City Council’s Santa Rita Hall (catalogue - O.GRA.RO 2009, Rome).
15 May-3 June – curator of “Cosmogonia Metropolitana” (Metropolitan Cosmogony), a solo exhibition by Alfonso Mangone at the Horti Lamiani Bettivò gallery, Rome (catalogue - H.L.B. gallery, Rome).
31 March-5 April – Curator of “I Silenzi di Michelangelo” (The Silences of Michelangelo) by photographer Piero Marsili Libelli, an exhibition dedicated to the great movie director Michelangelo Antonioni and hosted by the Risorgimento Resort Hotel to mark the tenth edition of the Festival of European Cinema, Lecce (catalogue - Vestas Hotels & Resorts 2009, Lecce).
15-31 December – “Impronta Globale” (Global Imprint), an exhibition of leading Italian and foreign contemporary artists at the Rome Higher Institute of Fire Prevention (catalogue - H.L.Bettivò 2008, Rome).
June-September 2008 – in collaboration with Maurizio Marini, the technical design for and organisation of an exhibition of ancient art from the Museum of the Benedictine Monastery of Santa Maria de Montserrat, featuring, as the chief work, Caravaggio’s masterpiece “St Jerome Penitent”. The exhibition was slated for display at the Capitoline Museum in Rome, however, ultimately did not proceed.
21-29 April, – co-sponsor and active collaborator with the Guatemala Embassy in organising Guatemala Week, exhibitions and lectures hosted by the Genova Casamerica Foundation and dedicated to raising awareness in Italy of Guatemalan culture.
September-December – planner and organizer of “Flash of Dance”, an exhibition at the Rome Opera House, created together with the Fratelli Alinari National Museum of Photography, Florence (catalogue - Tipografia Miligraf, September 2007, Formello, Rome).
December: In collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes, organiser of the first National Italian Competition of Painting, Sculpture and Digital Art at the Sala Cervantes, Piazza Navona, Rome; and, together with Achille Bonito Oliva and another, I selected the candidates
May-June – in collaboration with the Rome Cervantes Institute, organizer of “Spanish Civil War Posters”, an exhibition in the Rome City Council’s Montemartini Centre (catalogue - Lunwerg Editores 2004).
October-December - coordinator of an exhibition by Dino Lanaro and the Corrente group artists in Rome’s Sant’Angelo Castle (catalogue - Mazzotta 2004, Milan).
July – Coordinator for Rome of “Hispanic American Baroque in Chile”, an exhibition in Rome’s Palazzo della Cancelleria.
Collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes in organising the “Comunidades Nocturnas” of Pablo Perez-Minguez, the photographer of Pedro Almodovar and of the Movida of Madrid and winner of the National Award of Photography of Spain, at the Sala Cervantes, Piazza Navona, Rome
Collaboration with the Instituto Cervantes in organising the solo exhibition of one of the most famous living Spanish contemporary artists, Miquel Barceló, in the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome.
Selected research, presentations and writings:
2011-present Preparatory research in connexion with a forthcoming disquisition on iconology and the representation of the emotions in the fine arts.
2008 The author of the soon to be published novel, Seth.
2007 The author of the novel, Abraham. Racconto Fantastico, published in 2010 (ISBN 9788890486500).
2000-2001 Lecturer on “Language, Culture and Spanish Civilization” for “Progetto Humanitas”, a cultural association dedicated to long-term training and the development of creativity.
Jan-Dec 2000 The author of a series of articles published in “Prima Fila”, a theatre magazine distributed at a national level in Italy.
October 2000 Participant in the Ciudad Juarez Congress, Mexico, with a presentation concerning indigenous influences in the work of leading international writer Carlos Montemayor.
September 2000 Participant in the ‘Congress on Calderon de la Barca’ at the University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, with a research paper presented to the Congress on performances of El Gran Teatro del Mundo in Italy from 1930 to the present day (Calderon 2000, Vol. II, Acts of the International Congress, IV Centennial of the birth of Calderon, University of Navarra, September 2000, Kassel – Published Reichenberger, 2002).