Greta Alberta Tirloni (1983) is an art historian, critic and curator, specialized in contemporary art. Graduated and post gratuated education at the universities Alma Mater Studiorum Bologna, La Sapienza Roma and University RomaTre. She has training and work practise in the curatorship and museology, safeguard, legal protection and regard of public and private collections, estimate and appraisal, expertise and diagnostics, also for judiciary authorities. She has written papers in the fields of economics of culture, cultural diplomacy, museology and collections, art critic (L'arte italiana del '900 e la diplomazia culturale. La Collezione Farnesina, in "Economia della Cultura”, n. 3/2016; L’acqua nell’arte. Interpretazioni, variazioni, visioni, in Dipinti sull'acqua: da Benvenuti a de Conciliis, catalogue, exhibition Mantova, Roma 2017) and the book Yves Klein, essere nell'infinito, Roma 2018.
Greta Alberta Tirloni
Greta Alberta Tirloni is a historian, critic and curator of contemporary art, specialized in expertise, also for judicial authorities. She curated exhibitions and published essays and books. University lectures, conferences, Lectio Magistralis.
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